3: I Wanna Be Closer

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Thank you so much myraspencer8 for helping me with the ideas for this chapter. It's very much appreciated ❤️.

Side Note~ Readers I encourage y'all to please play the song in the recommended scene. It's one of my all time favorite songs by Switch and I think it fits the relationship status of Karew at the moment.

Please Excuse Mistakes

June 16, 1978
Drew's P.O.V.
6:00 PM
Hey Y'all! It's been a couple months since Karen and I have went on our first date and we've been on many more dates since but we aren't dating yet. The reason why I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet is because when you're interested in a person you should collect data on them because you don't know if they're crazy or not. One of the first steps into building a relationship with a person if you want to be with them romantically is starting off slow by building a friendship and that's something I wish I would've known going into my last relationship. Throughout the many dates Karen and I have been on we've built a friendship with each other. It's more than just her looks that gives my attraction to her. It something deeper than that. It's her personality. She's so sweet, compassionate, warm-hearted and many more things. I could just go on all day about her. I don't know if she knows this but she's everything I'd ever want in a girl. Tonight we're going on a date and I have a very important question to ask her.

I took a shower, lathered my body in lotion, put on my clothes, picked my hair, and sprayed some Nautica Voyage Cologne on my body. As I'm beginning to get ready to leave my home I realize I can't find my keys. I searched high and low for them I'm couldn't seem to find them.

"Aye bro have you seen my keys? " I yelled out slight raising my voice so my
best friend/roommate, Brian could here me. 

"They're on the table. Nigga you'd probably loose your head if it wasn't attached to your body." Brian said walking up to me and giving me my keys.

"Haha that's so funny." I replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Where are you going anyways?" He asked.

"If you must know I'm going out with Karen." I said.

"Y'all spend so much time with each other it's like y'all should be married." He  said.

"Not yet but I'm gonna marry her one day." I replied to her while having the feeling of excitement at the thought of it. It might be only a couple months since we've started this whole friendship but I want to be more than friends. Believe it or not but I'm in love. That proves timing is short predominance.

"It sounds like a nigga in love. I hope she not like that other bitch. "Brian said referring to my ex girlfriend Cheyenne.

"That's why I've been collecting data on her and building a friendship with her first before a relationship." I replied.

"Well that's good and shows a lot of maturity and growth in you. Look bro, I don't want to hold you up and make you late for your date with Karen so I think we should end the conversation here." He said.

"Bye." I replied as I walk out the door and going into my car.

At Dr. Clark's House
Karen's P.O.V.
So this evening Drew and I are going out. Since our first date we've been on many more since then. Each moment we spend together feels special. He makes it feel that way. Throughout that time we have built a friendship with one another and only that but occasional flirting on the side. In all honesty I could see myself in a relationship with him. He's so polite, charming, amiable, and such a gentleman. Did I mention how fine he is? He has a smile that could light up any room, and is also tall, dark, and handsome. Tonight we're going out on a date to the skating rink and he said there's a very important question he needs to ask me.

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