Chapter 16 - October 2029 - Visit to Museum and Dinosaur Exhibit

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Wednesday, October 17, 2029

While my guys were in their class, I had a cleaning crew come in and clean the house. According to a phone call James received earlier in the week, mister Cuban and his associate are arriving tomorrow for their meeting. Knowing that, I had to get my usual cleaning lady and asked her to bring a few of her crew along to clean the house. I'm all alone in our house with our cleaning lady and her crew. I'm hoping they do their business or meeting in the dining room because we don't have a desk in the den. We do but it's one of those you can push up against a wall and have your computer or laptop on it. I'm thinking they will be more comfortable in the dining room for their meeting. I'll have to make sure Lady stays in the garage while our guests are here.

"Where do you want these blankets, missus Barnes?" One of my cleaning lady's help asked in a Hispanic accent. I can't remember their names.

"Oh they can go in the laundry room or you can just give them to me." I instructed. I read her name tag and it said Lupe.

"OK, here you go." Lupe said as she handed me the blankets for Grant and Bailey's fort.

"Thanks! I'm going to wash these. I'm sure my sons will appreciate me doing that." I said.

"I hope they don't mind that their fort will return later. I know how those things get attached with young ones. Mine get that way with theirs too." Lupe said.

"I know what you mean. Our sons are very attached with their fort. They said goodbye to it just before they went out to the gym." I explained and laughed some.

"I hope you said temporary too. These tables lend themselves to great forts! In fact, my husband has taken on a personal project of building one for our kids. His is going outside in the backyard. Our kids are going to be so excited!" Lupe eagerly said.

"I'm sure they will! I'll have to mention it to my husband. He's always looking for something to do with his hands, like construction or fixing things." I said. I went off to the laundry room while Lupe continued to clean the dining room and the rest of the downstairs wing. I tossed the blankets in the wash and started the washer. Grant and Bailey will like fresh smelling blankets. It will no longer have any dog hair on it or any food stains. They got into the habit of eating some food while in their fort. Meanwhile our cleaning lady Maria has the others working on assigned areas of the house while Maria is cleaning the kitchen and living room. They have about two to three hours to finish cleaning the house. She's aiming for two hours since she has help today. Maria usually takes longer when she's the only one cleaning. I looked at the time and saw the guys have about twenty minutes left for class. I specifically informed them to stay in the gym for about half an hour after class so the cleaning crew can finish. I sat in the living room reading my book while Maria's cleaning crew continued working on the house. I did get up to put my laundry in the dryer and decided to stay closer to the blankets while they rotated in the dryer.

"When will we be able to play in our fort again?" Grant asked. I was recalling our conversation from this morning after I explained why their fort needs to come down.

"You'll be able to later in the day. Daddy's going to be busy with someone in the morning. You two need to be patient." I gently said to Grant and Bailey. They looked at me with sad eyes but later they kissed their blanket fort and said their goodbyes just before they had to go to class. It was heartbreaking seeing them so sad about their fort. It's going to be up again soon but they do have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

"Can you help us put it together tomorrow, mommy?" Bailey and Grant asked earlier today.

"Yes I'll help you sweeties." I said and blew them a kiss as they went off with their dad. Now my attention is for their blankets getting dry.

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