Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Weekend 2029

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Saturday November 24, 2029

We said our goodbyes to Thor yesterday and our sons were very sad to see him go. He did say he plans on returning sometime when our baby makes an appearance. He wants to see their new baby brother or sister. He also wished Grant a happy birthday. Grant's birthday is three weeks away and will be four years old. According to Thor, Grant is the right age to start learning some of the things Thor learned at his age.

"I think the classes he's attending in the new year is enough. No hand to hand or combat fighting for him until he's a good ten years older!" James said, laughing.

"I'm just saying if you want a good fighter, now is the time to do just that!" Thor said. We couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"I know! We just want our sons to stay young at heart and having fun." James said.

"Right! Also when is the baby coming? I want to know before I go." Thor anxiously asked.

"The baby is coming in early January." I answered.

"Great! See you guys then! Oh, is your friend Gayle coming?" Thor asked as he got ready to leave.

"As far as I know, she's planning on it!" I said.

"Wonderful! Tell her I said hi if you see her before I do! Happy Holidays!" Thor said.

"We will! See you in about two months!" We said and saw Thor leave with Stormbreaker. Lady barked as a way of saying goodbye. That was Friday afternoon. Later we talked about Grant's birthday and also the possibility of having Gayle come for our new baby's arrival. It was a unanimous decision on having Gayle here and plan on asking her to come for the first week of January or the second week. As for Grant's birthday we thought he should have a say in the matter.

Saturday afternoon

We were finishing up with lunch before meeting with Lainie's cousin. She's supposed to be here in the late afternoon. I told James he can go ahead and do some Christmas shopping with our sons or go alone.

"OK but I want to be here when she arrives. What time is she coming?" James asked.

"She's planning on be here around four in the afternoon. I can text you when she arrives." I offered.

"What do you say boys? Want an afternoon with your pop shopping for Christmas?" James asked.

"Yeah! We love to!" Grant said and Bailey cheered him on.

"Great! Anything you want for Christmas?" He asked.

"I can give you a list. I think you know what I really want for Christmas!" I teased. He smiled and knew right away what I'm thinking.

"Uh, what's her name? Ellen's and Lainie's cousin?" James asked as we finished with our lunch.

"I think it's Bridgett" I answered.

"We'll do our best to get back in time to meet her." He said as they got ready to go shopping. I helped with their winter coats. Also I handed James my short list while I wished him well on the shopping and kissed him too.

"Thanks! I hope we get back in time."
"I also hope the roads are better now compared to last week." I said.

"Yeah, they did work on them earlier in the week since many were able to leave." He said.

"Good luck!" I said before they left.

"If you need anything please call or text me." He said as they went to the garage. I had about three hours before Bridgett came and decided to relax on the couch. Around Christmas Eve I'm going to be more than ready with the baby. I'm feeling almost the same way as I did before having Grant. This time it's going to be a planned c-section for the baby instead of natural labor. Bailey's arrival was a little early before his actual due date. I'm hoping this time it gets better. I hope the third time is the charm. I turned on the TV and watched a movie. I brought my book down earlier so I can read if I don't like the movie. Once I saw it was one of The Hobbit movies I watched a good two hours of the movie. I was surprised to see my guys return early from shopping.

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