Chapter 37 - Jan 2030, T'Challa's Visit

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Friday January 11, 2030

In the morning when we got up, I went to Rebecca's room and brought her in ours. Around eight thirty she was awake and making noises. Her first time being in our bed and moved around some. I un-swaddled her before bringing her to our room. She's stretching and waving her arms and legs.

"I wish I can do that!" James laughed as he saw her doing that.

"Yeah? I can see you do that when there's plenty of room on the bed!" I giggled. He smiled at me as the two of us watched her. Soon she saw us and smiled with one broad smile.

"Good god! How soon did she start smiling?" James asked.

"Uh, I think it was yesterday. When did you see her smile? I know all of us saw her do that yesterday with Spencer and his family here." I asked.

"Hmm.. it was yesterday. It melted my heart. I had an overwhelming feeling of happiness and the desire to keep her close no matter what." He described. "How did it feel for you?"

"All I can say is that I had the same feeling and wanted to hold her forever. Sort of like those songs you hear about love. I had many emotions and also speechless." I answered.

"More like than what words can say. I know the feeling." James slowly said. "Sort of like how I feel with you at times. Actions speak louder than words." He summarized and pulled me in for a hug.

"I know the feeling." I said as we hugged for a few minutes. Rebecca was moving around more on the bed and making noises.

"I think we have one talkative baby this time!" He said as we hugged and kissed each other. "I don't remember our sons doing that when they were babies."

"I don't think so either. They were more quiet and fussed a lot." I said.

"Yeah and cried too!" He said as we released each other before dressing for the day. Once we were done, the three of us went downstairs. Gayle already took the boys downstairs so we'll see them in the kitchen in a few.

"What do you think we'll have for breakfast this morning?" James asked as he carried Rebecca in her baby seat.

"I don't know but I can go for waffles or something along the lines of eggs." I answered. "How about you?"

"I can go for anything. I know pancakes do sound good too!" He said as we arrived on the first floor and headed to the kitchen. Everyone was in there while Bridget prepared breakfast. All we could smell was bacon.

"What does everyone want to eat?" Bridget asked. All of us answered her. All she could hear was pancakes and eggs. She laughed. "Well what's it going to be?" She asked. Scott answered with pancakes while someone else mentioned scrambled eggs.

"I think my vote will make it a good one.. pancakes please!" James answered as the others sat down.

"OK, the voting is over and the decision is pancakes!" Bridget said as she put the bacon to the side and had to find the ingredients for pancakes. She mixed everything up and poured out a few rounds of pancakes on a big skillet. James already got the butter and syrup.

"I hope this will not interfere with your meatloaf for lunch, Scott." James said as he sat down.

"I don't think so. I'm going to make a meatloaf sandwich before I get into more packing." Scott replied.

"I know I'm going for a big breakfast because I'm heading home and seeing Arnold and maybe my family soon!" Gayle remarked.

"Please tell them we said hi." I said.

"Will do. Arnold's picking me up at the airport." Gayle said. "After being here for a week, I noticed I need some time off. All the wedding planning is getting to me now." Gayle admitted.

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