Chapter 30 - Christmas Eve 2029

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Monday December 24, 2029; Christmas Eve

Today we called Bridget with the good news, to let her know we decided on having her take care of our sons and will stay with us. She was happy learning about the news. Also we told her she can come by any day after New Year's to get her things in her bedroom. We did tell her I'm scheduled for having the baby on January fifth. From that she said she plans on being here at least two days before the baby arrives. The first Thursday in the new year works for us. Grant and Bailey are excited to have her stay here and take care of them.

"Uh do you need a set of wheels while you're living here?" James asked Bridget on the phone.

"I'm using one of Noah's cars while I'm here. So you don't have to worry about that not unless he needs it next week." She said.

"Good! Please let me know if you do need a car when it gets closer." James said.

"I will. Thanks again for choosing me. Merry Christmas! Please tell the boys I said that too!" Bridget said.

"Yes we will. Merry Christmas to you too!" We said. Soon after we hung up.

"Well do you want to have our traditional lunch out today? I know you and I always have lunch together just before Christmas." James asked as he turned to me. We were in the den while we called Bridget.

"Sure! This time our sons need to come with us. I hope that's OK with you." I said.

"Remember they're with Brandon and his parents. We don't have to worry about them until after lunch." James gently reminded me.

"Oh yes. I forgot they're visiting with them today." I said, feeling a little bit confused.

"Don't worry, I know you get like this towards the end of your pregnancy." James laughed.

"Then why did we call Bridget in here when we have the whole house to ourselves?" I asked.

"I think it's because we said goodbye to our sons when Spence came over here to pick them up!" James laughed.

"Oh yes! I think I remember now!" I said and vaguely remembered us going in here after they left.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked me.

"Uh, surprise me. I'm afraid I'll pick somewhere that is no longer around. I don't trust my mind at this stage." I said as I pursed my lips and tilted my head to the side. James laughed as he saw me.

"OK, I'll take you somewhere we absolutely love." He said, laughing. "What you're doing there reminds me of Zemo. He did something like that when he tried to manipulate me!" He continued.

"Oh really? Did that work?" I asked.

"Uh no. I knew what he was up to and it did not work." He said as we walked out of the den.

"Yeah? I was just trying to think about what happened earlier in c day." I said.

"Come, we need to get our coats! Then we can go." He said and chuckled some. After I put on my coat, he draped his arm around my shoulders. We walked towards the garage door and stared at the small bedroom.

"It will be a little strange to have someone living in here for a while." James said.

"Yeah, also she needs to use this bathroom! I hope she can navigate around in there." I said.

"We will find out soon! I'm hoping to expand this bathroom and maybe the bedroom." He said as we went out in the cold garage. We went took the family car. The snow storms that hit most of last week finally stopped and they cleared the roads near last weekend.

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