Chapter 24 - Snow Storm Mid-November 2029

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Sunday November 11, 2029

When we woke up in the morning, we felt rested from sleeping in late. Our house was very quiet like if a penny dropped we will hear it.

"It's so quiet this morning. Like it's so peaceful and a little unsettling at the same time." James said as we laid in bed, hearing the house.

"Yes! Also very conducive to sleeping some more!" I said. He had his left hand gently lying on my stomach. The baby was moving around slightly.

"Oh, she's moving!" He said in quiet voice. We felt the baby moving and then poked around a little. "My goodness we got a kicker in there! Was Grant or Bailey like that?" He asked as he watched my stomach. I had my nightgown pulled up to my breasts so we can see the baby's movements.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"No, I got used to it after a while. I will say feeling hands or feet sometimes is uncomfortable." I said. "Especially if there is some poking or prodding." I added.

'Wow! I think I remember that when you had Bailey." He said. Soon after, he pulled down my nightgown and covered my body with the covers. "Now you're going to be warm. We don't want you getting cold now!" He said. We just laid there for a few minutes and finally got up. I went to the bathroom first. While I was in there, James looked out of our windows.

"There's more snow! I hope Scott doesn't flip out when I go out and clear off the driveway later." James said as I came back. He showed me the areas that were empty yesterday and now covered with snow.

"I guess we are going to have one intense winter this year." I said.

"Yeah! I'm not about to say igloo. I'll wait until it gets more irritating or if we absolutely hate it." James said.

"I think the two of us are not built for this kind of weather. Some like the cold and snow while we're the opposite of that." I said getting my robe on and slipped on my slippers.

"You got that right. I think we should go down before Scott turns into Jack from The Shining!" James said, trying to joke but we're very concerned for Scott.

"Yes, we should. Also you need to bake your cinnamon rolls so we can have our breakfast." I reminded him.

"Yeah! I'll get the boys before dealing with that." He said as he slung on a t-shirt. James was wearing pajama bottoms and now a short sleeve t shirt with his bottoms. I made sure he had solid pajamas instead of plaid or stripes because when we have guests, he tends to put on a shirt while walking around half the morning.

"OK, I can help out with them if you want." I offered.

"I'll see if they're up and let you know."

"OK, thanks for the heads up." I said as he left our room. A few minutes later, both of our sons ran into our bedroom. James popped in his head from the open door.

"They wanted to see you and wish you a good morning!" He said and went downstairs.

"Nice to see you two!" I eagerly said as they crawled on the bed.

"We wanted to see how the baby is doing now!" Grant said as I tried sitting on the bed.

"The baby's doing fine. A little active too!" I said.

"Can I touch?" Grant asked.

"Sure!" I said, gently taking his hand to rest on my stomach. The two of them felt the baby moving.

"Oh, wow!" Grant exclaimed as he could really feel her moving around now.

"What's that for?" Bailey asked as he felt the baby suddenly kick.

Bucky's Everlasting LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora