Side Story 3: Team Rocket Success

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Jessie, James and Meowth were still in Johto and they were waiting for a boat to take them to Hoenn.

"Man we did well while here in Johto." Jessie said.

"Yeah, we ended up catching a lot of Pokémon for the boss." Meowth said.

"And we got ourselves new Pokémon too." James said.

"You're right," Jessie said, "I'm happy with my Wobbuffet, Granbull and of course my newest Pokémon Sneasel."

"And I'm happy with my Jumpluff, Chinchou and my newest Pokémon Teddiursa." James said.

"I know, let's go over of what we've done here in Johto," Meowth said, "I mean the boat isn't coming for the next thirty minutes."

"Good idea," Jessie said, "so what do we start with?"

"I know the swarms of Pokémon we caught over the next few weeks after the twerps stopped us from stealing the Dunsparce." James said.

"Okay let's start with that." Jessie said.

Meowth agreed.

(Start of Flashback 1)

It happened after Team Rocket failed to steal the town's Dunsparce.

"Uh those Dunsparce would have made us a fortune," Jessie said, "and now we won't be able to get them again."

"Actually we can." James said.

James was on the computer.

"I'm looking up the Pokémon swarms that happen here in Johto."

"I've heard of Pokémon swarms," Meowth said, "it's when a lot of Pokémon of the same species visit an area once a week."

"Exactly and I've found out about what and where and when all the swarms are."

"Does it say about Dunsparce?" Jessie asked.

"Yep, the next swarm of Dunsparce is in another five weeks' time and it will be around here again," James answered, "and there are other Pokémon swarms before then."

There was a swarm with Yanma, Marill, Snubbull, Quilfish and Remoraid.

"Great we can go after them, until it's the Dunsparce week," Meowth said, "but what about equipment?"

"Don't worry," James said, "I called the boss and asked him to send us empty PokéBalls and they should be here soon."

The pokeballs arrived the next day and Jessie, James and Meowth got to work on gathering the swarms of Pokémon.

(End of Flashback 1)

"We were successful of gathering the Pokémon swarms Yanma, Marill, Snubbull, Quilfish, Remoraid and Dunsparce thanks to our Pokémon." Jessie said.

"Yes especially my Gloom's and Victreebel's sleep powder attacks." James said.

"And we got a good payment from the boss for that." Meowth said.

"But our biggest payment was from all the water Pokémon we fished in the Whirl Islands." Jessie said.

"Your right," James agreed, "and that was when I got my Chinchou too."

"Another success of ours is when we ended up gathering a lot of Pokémon that were living in the forests outside the area where Tyson was having trouble with that Red Gyarados." Meowth said.

"Oh yeah." Jessie said.

(Start of Flashback 2)

It was after Jessie, James and Meowth decided to leave the area after they decided not to help out with the red Gyarados.

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