Chapter 24: Onto the Hoenn Grand Festival; Troubles Happens!

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So with Winter finding a rival for the Hoenn League, it was now time for her to start training her Pokémon and the same thing went for May.

Winter and May were busy for the rest of the month, training their Pokémon for the Hoenn Grand Festival.

During the month some of their pokemon evolved; Winter's Shiny Lairon evolved to S.Aggron and May's Marill evolved into an Azumarill.

Tomo had been training his Pokémon with Winter too and some of his Pokémon evolved too; his Duskull evolved to Dusclops, and his Numel evolved into a Camerupt, a red Pokémon that looked like a camel with two small volcanos on its back. Tomo also trained some of his old Pokémon and his Slugma evolved to Magcargo, Elekid evolved into Electabuzz and finally Shuppet evolved into Banette.

So a lot of things happened during the month especially with the gang Pokémon.


Right now the gang was on a luxury cruise ship called the S.S. St Flower and this ship was for contestants of the Hoenn Grand Festival to get to Slateport City.

Winter and May were happy that they were traveling in style, and they were allowed to bring friends with them so Max, Tomo and Brock were happy to be on the ship too.

This ship had everything; a Pokémon Centre, a game room, a movie theatre, restaurants and a shopping gallery.

Winter thought that this ship was better than the S.S. Anne ship and May was delighted to be on a luxurious ship for once.

When Winter and May asked Nurse Joy to take care of their Pokémon for the Hoenn Grand Festival, May asked if she had a water stone, she explained that she decided it was now time for her Staryu to evolve to Starmie.

May's and Staryu had become strong over the months and she knew a lot of moves by now, she knew cover, camouflage, double team, swift, bubble beam, gyro ball, ice beam, thunder bolt, power gem, light screen, cosmic power, hydro pump, water pulse, thunder wave and flash cannon.

Nurse Joy handed a water stone to May and she quickly gave it to Staryu at once. Now Starmie now knew confuse ray, shadow ball and psychic.

"I cannot wait to use my Starmie in the Grand Festival." May said excitedly.


At that moment Officer Jenny came up to the group.

"Is there something wrong Officer Jenny?" Brock asked.

"Yes there is," Officer Jenny answered, "you see a man who calls himself Brodie the phantom thief has been sighted on this ship."

"Brodie?" Winter thought, "Officer Jenny you don't mean Brodie from Team Magma do you?"

"Yes I do, you see after the arrest of Team Aqua and Magma, Brodie managed to escape and now he's a thief." Officer Jenny explained.

"Since Brodie disguises himself, it won't be that easy to catch him, especially since he disguises himself very cleverly." Brock said, who remembered Brodie.

"I know, but if you kids do manage to see him please tell me at once." Officer Jenny said.

Suddenly Officer Jenny got called on her two way radio, "Officer Jenny speaking." She spoke, speaking into the radio.

The radio spoke out that something had happened in one of the rooms of the ship.

"I'm on my way." Officer Jenny replied.

The gang asked if they could help in anyway.

"You better come with me, since you kids know much about Brodie, I will need your help in case he is here."

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