Chapter 8: The Naughty Plusle and Minun? Newton Contest! Mauville Gym!

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Sometime after the Slateport Contest, the gang had come to a town called Newton Town, where a Pokémon contest was being held.

Apparently everyone in Newton Town had an electric type Pokémon with them, so the gang kept on seeing Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Jolteon, Voltorb, Electrode, Elekid, Electabuzz, Mareep, Flaffy and Ampharos.

There was also two electric Pokémon that the gang hadn't seen before.

One of them was a green sort of wolf type Pokémon, with yellow markings; this pokemon was an Electrike.

Another Pokémon was a blue and yellow wolf type Pokémon, this Pokémon was a Manectric, Electrike's evolved form.

The last two were Plusle and Minun.

May thought that Plusle and Minun were adorable and hoped she would capture her own Plusle and Minun one day.

"Why does everyone here keep an electric type Pokémon?" Winter asked.

"I know why." Max said.

Max explained that a long time ago, Newton Town got attacked by a flock of very ferocious Fearow. But then an Electabuzz, a Raichu, a Manectric and an Ampharos defeated the Fearow and saved the town.

"The people were grateful to the electric Pokémon, and ever since that day people here have loved and kept electric type Pokémon ever since." Max finished.

"What a story." Tomo said.

"This town actually reminds me of Len Town back in the Johto region." Brock said.

Winter and Tomo remembered too, especially since everyone in Len Town kept a psychic Pokémon.

Suddenly the gang heard shouting.

"Stop right there you four!" A lady shouted.

The lady, with a Jolteon by her side, was chasing two Plusle and two Minun.

One Plusle and Minun were shiny, the Plusle had orange markings and the Minun had green markings.

The Plusle and Minun shot swift attack and the lady and her Jolteon, which made them, stop in their tracks and then the two Plusle and two Minun left in a hurry.

"What on earth was that all about?" Max asked.

The gang asked the lady what had happened.

The lady explained that the Plusle and Minun were wild Pokémon, but they loved to come to the town to play tricks.

"Why do they play tricks?" May asked.

"Well the truth is, those four Pokémon were rejected many times in the past." The lady said sadly.

"What do you mean?" Brock asked.

The woman explained that all the electric Pokémon in Newton Town came from a Pokémon breeding place, where they bred electric Pokémon. They also breed Eevee in case anyone wanted to have a Jolteon.

"Those four Plusle and Minun were from the breeding centre too, but the Plusle and Minun, who are shiny, had never been picked by anyone. So they play tricks on everyone in town because of how they had been neglected."

"They probably had never been picked because of their different color, I've heard of something like this before." Winter said.

"But what about the Plusle and Minun who aren't shiny?" Tomo asked.

"Well my guess is those two were not happy with the way the shiny Plusle and Minun were treated, so they've refused to leave them until someone does accept the shiny Plusle and Minun." The lady said.

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