Chapter 23: Meeting Morrison and Beldum Swarm?

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Winter and May were planning today on what to do with training their Pokémon. As they both had five contest ribbons each, the Hoenn Grand Festival was all they could think about now.

And of course, Winter had the Hoenn League to think about now as well.

Winter and May found out from Nurse Joy that the Hoenn Grand Festival was going to be held in Slateport City and Winter found out that the Hoenn League was to be held in a city called Ever Grand City.

So the gang had two things to look forward too.

Apart from obtaining a fifth contest ribbon, May also had a new Pokémon.


The day after the Pacifidlog Ribbon, the gang encountered a Munchlax who kept on eating berries from some berry trees.

The gang had remembered what Munchlax was like, because Max's Snorlax was a Munchlax before he caught it.

To stop the Munchlax from causing trouble, May captured it for her own.


Right now Brock had made lunch for the gang; he made sandwiches and rice balls.

"So May and Sky, what are you two going to do?" Brock asked.

Well I am going to train my Snorunt more," Winter answered, "she wants to learn new moves and evolve into a Froslass, so I gave her an everstone to hold of the evolution."

"Can I train with you sis? My Numel wants to evolve." Tomo said.

Certainly, we'll battle each other after lunch Tomo." Winter smiled.

"What about you May? What are you going to do?" Max asked.

"I'll be practicing with some of my Pokémon," May said, "but I won't use Munchlax in the Grand Festival. It's too early since I only just got it."

"I agree with that." Brock nodded.

At that moment a boy with tied up red hair ran past the group and stopped running to catch his breath.

"Hey, easy there what are you in a rush for?" Winter asked curious.

"I'm heading towards an area, where wild Beldum are swarming." The boy replied breathing heavily.

The boy introduced himself as Morrison and he explained to the gang that a swarm of Beldum was living in a forest a bit far from where they were standing now.

Beldum, the Iron Ball Pokémon.
The magnetic force generated by its body repels the ground's natural magnetism, letting it float.

"Hey Beldum's final evolved form is Metagross." Max said.

"That's right," Morrison said, "and I want to catch a Beldum, so that I can have a Metagross like Steven Stone."

Steven Stone not only had an Aron, he also had an Aggron, a Beldum and a shiny Metagross.

"Can we go and see the Beldum swarm too please? I'd love to see them." Max begged.

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