Chapter 20: Purika Contest; Harley? Riyado Town; Sidney the Elite Four!

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Today the gang was on a boat that was taking them to Izabe Island, where the next Pokémon contest was.

It was to be held in a city called Purika City.

May was training with her Bulbasaur on the boat, she had decided to use Bulbasaur this time.

"Okay Bulbasaur," May said, "last time you and I didn't do so well in the contest and lost. But this time you are ready for contests and we will win this contest together."

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur nodded in agreement.

Just then a teenager boy about the same age as Brock, with purple hair came up to May.

"Are you entering the Purika contest?" The boy asked.

"Yes I am," May answered, "and I'm entering with my Bulbasaur."

The boy introduced himself as Harley and said that he would be entering the contest too, then he took out a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a green scarecrow made of cacti. It has yellow eyes and its mouth is composed of holes on its face. It has numerous spikes along the length of its arms, legs, and neck. A pattern of green rhombi extends down the front of its body and has two small dark green rhombi. There is triangular, dark green feature on its head that resembles a hat with spiky tips.

May looked at the Pokémon on the PokéDex:
Cacturne, the Scarecrow Pokémon.
The evolved form of Cacnea. It rarely moves during the day, but is active once the temperature drops at night.

"Wow, what a Pokémon." May said.

Harley didn't seem a bit pleased that May didn't know about Cacturne, he returned Cacturne to the PokéBall, 'I can't believe her,' he thought, 'not knowing a thing about Cacturne. Well I'll show her by beating her in the contest.'

It seemed Harley was one of those people with a sour puss attitude, he was about to walk away when they heard a voice.

"May." A voice called out.

May and Harley turned around seeing Winter walking up to them.

"Snow." May smiled, while Harley gasped seeing a coordinator that won every contest she entered.

"Bulba." Bulbasaur smiled seeing the white haired girl.

"Well May I'll be going now." Harley waved and walked off.

Winter raised an eyebrow at the person with purple hair and in a Cactune like outfit.

"That coordinator is someone I don't want as an enemy." Harley eyed Winter. "Winter Sky Storm."


By the next day, the gang had made it to Izabe Island and Purika City and May signed up for the contest at once.

Right now they were waiting for Max, he had gone off to the bathroom but he hadn't turned up yet. Just then Max turned up with Harley.

"Where have you been Max?" May asked.

Harley explained that he and Max were just having a quick chat with each other and he started to walk to the waiting rooms.

Winter stared at Harley, there was something about him that she didn't like, 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this person since I first saw him on the boat.' She thought, 'Peeking into his mind wouldn't hurt.'

"Come on guys we better get to our seats and May better get to the waiting room." Brock said.

"You guys, May and I need to have a quick talk," Winter said, "Brock, Tomo and Max you guys go on ahead."

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