Chapter 4 - Sweet as ice cream

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Robins pov:

I've pretty much always known I've liked girls. Well, I've known for about 2421 days, when an innocent ten year old me watched 'grease' with my mom and couldn't understand why she was fussing over Danny zuko.

I'm not embarrassed that I'm gay... at least I don't think I am... I just don't think about it that much. It's just one more thing that makes me different from everyone else in Hawkins.

Ugh. Hawkins. I hate it here. There's just nothing for me. The dreams are as small as the population and their minds are even smaller.

I've always felt like an outsider. Not like in a cool 'I'm quirky and mysterious' way, just in a 'I pretty much have no friends' way. Hence why I'm spending my summer working in a shitty ice cream parlour rather than going out with friends doing the stuff they do in John Hughes movies.

Not only am I scooping ice cream for a living, I'm doing it with Steve 'the hair'  harrington. Damn. If you told me that a few months ago I would've died at the thought. I'd never understood the appeal of swoon-worthy Steve harrington. Every other girl just adored him, and would adore the opportunity to work with him in a very small ice cream shop. And yeah, with hindsight the lack of attraction makes perfect sense but he was a total asshole in school. But surprisingly I've seen a change in Steve, he's not the smug, pretentious douchebag he was in high school. He's more down-to-earth, more considerate then before. And I actually quite enjoy working with him.

He has this group of middle schoolers that always hang around him. They're always in scoops trying to use the back door to sneak into r-rated movies. I always joke that they're like his children and Steve is like a mom. He always looks unimpressed with it but he never argues with the title. In fact it was one of his little adopted children, dustin, who brought me to the situation I was currently faced with:

Scooping ice cream with Heather Henderson; the girl I may or may not have a tiny little crush on.

I'm grabbing some Sprinkles from below the freezer when I notice her wiping down the counters, biting her lip in concentration as she tries to rid the counter of every spot the eye can see.

'God she looks so cute when she does that' I think to myself, the Sprinkles laying forgotten in the cupboard.

I suddenly realise I've been staring at her for far too long and she appears to notice too as she stops to look at me.

Shit. I've been caught.

"Am I doing it wrong?" She asks sincerely

"Oh no no- i - you weren't- you were doing a great job!" I snapped out of my trance

"Is there something on my face?" She asks brushing her cheek a little insecurely

"No there's nothing wrong with your face, your face is great!" I panicked, sounding like some cheesy line from a rom-com

'Great going Robin' I cursed myself for being so utterly useless with girls.

"Oh....uh... thanks" she shyly replied, turning around to hide the blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Yeah...I'm uh.... i'm gonna go to the bathroom" I said running off into the break room.

'Pull yourself together buckley' I told myself.

It's hopeless. There's no way a gorgeous girl like Heather Henderson could ever be into girls, let alone me. I mean she's probably into Steve and Steve is into her and they'll get together and have their summer happily ever after. That's the way this always works. After all, this is Hawkins, nothing vaguely exciting or different ever happens here.


A/N - this one was super fun to write!! It may not be your interpretation of Robin or how she would act but that's ok we all have different hc's. Feel free to give me any ideas or feedback and if you're reading this, have a great day :))

Robin is the girl that I wanna kiss <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora