"How do you ambutate a waist?!"

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Strawberry sherbet

All seven teenagers woke up at the same hour, to the same hot sun beating down on their slightly tanned skins. It was a normal day for everyone. They followed the same routine they'd done everyday since summer started. This consisted of: brushing their teeth, getting dressed, grabbing a quick breakfast, and then going to the small clubhouse their friend, Ben Hanscom had made just months prior. Everyday, the losers would go to this clubhouse. They'd talk about the most random things. Like how Richie would talk about Eddie's mom, or Bill would talk about cleaning his bike, "Silver", the day before. Sometimes even, Stan laughing at the most random things with Bill.

"Hey, Rich!", Stanley called. "Yeah?", the raven haired boy questions. "Your hair- It's sticking up all over the place!", the curly headed one says, barely able to speak from laughing so much. Bill joins in on this laughter, and soon, all but Richie joins in as well. "Not funny, guys!", Richie says, clearly not happy. "Oh, but it is!", Beverly says, as she counties to laugh with everyone else. "Cmon, Rich,", the short boy says as he wraps his arm around the taller one's neck, "admit it, it's really funny!", Eddie finishes. "Just because I didn't brush my hair today doesn't make it okay for you guys to laugh at me! I could have almost died earlier which caused me to have no time to brush my hair this morning!", Richie yells. "Oh, come on! Don't be an Eddie!", Mike says, "It's actually really funny, and that's a lot coming from me!", Mike finishes. "Whatever.", the boy mumbles, already giving up on the argument. Everyone's laughter starts to die down as they talk about different things.

"Guys! There's a new ice-cream shop opening up somewhere downtown!", Beverly exclaims as she puts her shoes on. "Really? We should totally go!", Ben says in reply. Everyone puts their shoes on before walking outside and hopping on their bikes. "It's somewhere close to Bill's house", Beverly says, trying to find the place in the middle of crazy Derry. Once they find the shop, they all go inside quickly.
Beverly orders rocky road, just as Ben, Stan orders Vanilla (Bill didn't like that.), Bill orders chocolate, while Eddie and Mike get the same thing; cookies and cream. Richie gets strawberry sherbet, insisting that it's good while everyone starts at him blankly.

"R-r-really?!", Bill shoots at the boy sitting beside him as he puts a spoon-full of his chocolate ice-cream into his mouth. "What?", Stan asks, as he plays with his ice-cream using a spoon. "Vanilla? S-suh-seriously, Stan?! Out of all f-f-flavors, for christ's sake, Vanilla?!", Bill says as he fakes a gag. "What? It's the best flavor! Not too plain, not too sweet and not too crazy. I don't want those weird flavors! Like, what even is strawberry sherbet?!", Stan says defensively. "STRAWBERRY SHERBET IS GOOD!", Richie yells a little bit too loudly, causing an old lady to glare at the group of young teenagers. "Okay, now i've got to disagree with you on that one, sorry, Rich.", Beverly says. "Could you be any louder? People are staring, Richie!", the smallest says as he slaps the back of Richie's head angrily. Mike and Ben being the quietest two of the group, stare at the six as the start to converse on which ice-cream flavor is the best. You've probably already inferred that this is not gonna go very well.

After at least thirty minutes of arguing on which ice-cream flavor is the best, the group finally decided that they should just eat their ice-cream and shut up, as people started to stare even more. This being so because Richie got a little too angry at everyone for not believing him when he stated strawberry sherbet was the 'best' ice-cream flavor. He even got so mad, he threw his spoon at Beverly, hitting her in the face! The group had a good laugh (and a mess to clean,) but all was forgiven.

Once everyone finished eating, they losers headed to the clubhouse. "It is so hot outside today!", Beverly says. "Right?! Like, why does the sun have to be so hot?", Richie asks. Stan and Bill start to laugh at Richie's stupidity, Eddie just slapping him on the arm, while Beverly shrugs. "Hey, guys? Maybe we should go to the barrens later..?", Ben asks a bit shyly. "Yeah, that sounds really fun!", Mike says.

A bit later, after Eddie and Richie's daily bickering over who's turn it is on the hammock, the losers agree that it's getting late and they should head to the barrens before it gets too dark. They all
slip on their shoes, Mike and Ben heading out of the clubhouse first, talking about some new comic that just came out. "Stuh-Stuh-Stan, have you e-e-ever tried any ice-cream f-f-f-flavor other than v-vanilla?", Bill asks as he puts one leg over the seat of his bike, while Stan kicks up his kickstand. "Yes! Actually... no....", Stan says slightly ashamed. I nuh-nuh-knew it! H-h-how can y-you say chuh-chuh-chocolate is bad if y-y-you've never even tried i-it?!", Bill questions the boy again. "Can't we just let this go? That's so three hours ago.", The slightly taller one says, his curls beginning to bounce on his heated head as he laughs along with Bill.

Once they arrive at the barrens, Beverly is the first to jump in, per usual. "Come on, ya sissies!", Beverly yells up at the six boys a-top. "I'm so gonna get sick! It's not even funny! What if my foot gets so cold that it falls asleep and I don't realize, so it just gets worse while I'm swimming until finally, my foot goes black because it's dead! Then, they're gonna have amputate my fucking foot! What if it spreads to my arm, or my leg, or my waist, how do you amputate a waist?!", The shortest of the groups asks, freaking out. "Oh, my god, Eddie. The waters not that fucking cold! You're so stupid sometimes. Here, watch.", Richie says before he throws himself into the water, landing with a loud splash and a scream. Eddie can't help it, he finds himself with his lips curled into a moon-like shape, his teeth showing. He starts to laugh at the boy.

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