"Are you actually reading that?"

14 0 0

panic attack implied‼️]

The group eventually reaches the clubhouse. As they all enter the small room, everyone takes a seat somewhere, completely exhausted from the walk.

Bill was still a bit behind the other losers. He was still lost in his own mind. He wasn't really sad, but he wasn't all that happy either. He was just put in a bad mood from the rain earlier.

Bill enters the clubhouse slowly, carefully placing one leg on a step, and the other on the step below it. His left foot reaches the ground first, his right following suit seconds later.

He once again throws his hands into his pockets after closing the clubhouse door. He lets out a small sigh and walks over to his favorite beanbag.

Bill sits down slowly, staring at the rundown hammock as it creeks due to overuse, he stares at the small, yet useful clock as it ticks over and over again on the wall. He listens to the other losers talking, but it's like their voices are muffled.

His breathing hitches, and he feels a slight pain in his chest. He slowly brings up his right hand and rubs his chest harshly, trying to ease the pain.

Bill's palms are sweating profusely and his heart rate seems to increase in the slightest amount. He feels dizzy, but still tries to get up. As he does, he falls back a bit, but catches himself inevitably.

He slowly walks away from the beanbag, making his way towards the clubhouse door. He opens it swiftly, and starts to climb up the ladder.

It's only now that Beverly notices the raven haired boy making his way out of the room.

She looks around, confused. She seems to be the only one who's noticed the boys absence. She decides to get up as well, her intentions to follow the boy.

"Bev?" Ben questions the girl.

"Yeah?" Beverly replies, not stopping.

"Where are you going?" Ben asks, cracking a small yet light smile.

"Outside, I saw Bill walk out a second ago. I wanna see what he's doing," she replies, stopping and turning to Ben.

He only nods in response before returning to his previous conversation with Mike.

Beverly turns around, and steps out of the clubhouse.

She steps into the fresh air. It's a big difference from the condemned and tight air in the clubhouse. Sometimes, it even stinks. I mean, it's a room full of pre-teen boys, it's bound to stink at one point or another.

She takes in the air, and then continues on her journey.

She looks right, only to be left with a small tree with a little gap at the stem. A small enough gap for a scrawny fourteen year old boy to fit in.

As soon as Beverly lays her eyes on Bill, she notices that something is wrong. She walks over to Bill, crouching down beside him.

The closer she gets, the more she can hear his quiet sobs.

"Bill?" Beverly asks slowly, trying her hardest not to startle the clearly upset boy.

Despite Beverly's attempt, Bill jumps a bit, but calms once he sees who's speaking to him.

He takes a hand to his face, quickly wiping away at the stains on his cheeks. He tries his best to cover up the evidence of him ever even crying in the first place, but they both know there's no use. Beverly already saw Bill crying, and they both know it.

"Y-y-yeah?" Bill says, taking his hands away from his face, his head sitting still.

Beverly sits down next to him, pulling her knees close to her chest.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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