"It's in the name, after all"

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It was a rainy and pure dreadful day, which added to the dread that fills Bill's chest.
Ever since Georgie died, Bill hasn't been the same. Especially on rainy days like these.
Sure, it's rained since Georgie died, but it was never like this.

Something was different and Bill couldn't figure out what. He didn't know if it was the way that the rain drops hit his window, or the roars of wind that blasted against his house. Normal things a storm does, right? Yet it wasn't the same.

It was so different to Bill and he was determined to figure out why.

Later that day, when the cloud's tears that resembled the day had stopped, Bill left his home, heading to the clubhouse.

When he arrived, everyone else was already there.
"Big Bill!", Richie yelled at the entrance of the auburn haired boy.

Everyone else greeted Bill and they all sat down, thinking of things to do for the rest of the day.

"Maybe we could go to the arcade!", Richie says.
In return, he's met with a slap on the back of his head.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You literally just screamed. And no one wants to go to the arcade, Rich. That's just you.", Eddie replies.

"I'm not the only one who wants to go to the arcade! Right, guys?"


"Uh, guys.. you're supposed to agree with me!"

"Rich, we really don't wanna go to the arcade today.
We always do that and it's getting boring.", Beverly says, "And, I mean that in the nicest way possible, Richie."

"Okay, then what's your idea?"

"Maybe we could go to the movie theater! I heard Stan and Bill talking about some new movie. We could go and watch that if you guys wanna!", Ben says enthusiastically.

"Yeah, sure.", Beverly says, as everyone but Richie agrees.

"C'mon, Richie. Everyone else wants to go! And the movie sounds pretty good, too. Also, they have soda, popcorn, cand-"

"Fine. I'm in.", he says, cutting Eddie off mid-sentence, "but only because food is involved."

"Well, that was easy", Stan whispers into Bill's ear, causing his face to heat up.

Despite being flustered, Bill does his best to respond, but only ends up shaking his head in agreement before walking out the door.

"You okay?", Stan asks comfortingly.

"Oh, yeah. I'm g-g-g-good", Bill says and his mouth curls into a crescent.

Despite Bill's smile looking quite genuine, Stan still notices that something is off with him. Had he done something wrong? Maybe it was just a bad day, he thought to himself.

"Hey, Bev!", Stan yells as he catches up to the girl.

"Yeah?", she replies smiling.

"Okay, so like, is it just me or is Bill acting weird? Like, I know he's always weird, but weirder than normally? He just seems.. down? I don't really know, but if something's wrong I wanna figure out what, so we can help him. I really do care for him, you know?"

"Yeah, I know ya' do, Stan. And it's not just you. He's been quieter than he usually is. I mean, I know he usually doesn't like talking a bunch because of his stutter and all, but.. he's been quiet, quiet.", Beverly replies, her face holding concern in the depths of its features. She usually hides it well, but when it comes to the losers, she can never hide her emotions.

D͟E͟A͟D͟ E͟N͟D͟S͟ - 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗖𝗟𝗨𝗕Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant