Family / Pt1 (Zarkon) Voltron

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A/N: Please don't judge my choice of character cuz Zarkon is one of my favs lol.

Anyways, I guess this is gonna be the last character of Voltron I'm gonna do but if I though of something else I'll update.




[Your POV]

Have you ever felt that you live in someone else's shadow?

Having someone who takes all credits, who is the best in everything they do, who gets all the compliments all the time, who is always coming on the top and has to be number one in everything? Even if you get the same grades or do the same stuff, nobody is actually looking at you?

That's the story of my life, basically.

And I hated it. Detest it. Call it whatever you want. It became a frustratingly continuous routine, that even I cannot change. Not that I would do anything to change it. And even if I had the chance, nobody would glance my way.

Being the twin brother of Keith Kogane was tiresome from whichever angle you're looking at. Since we were so little, all eyes were on the successful teenager, who hated the world but the world still looked up to him.

Long story short, he was a prodigy from such a young age. He excelled in everything, even without a mother figure, and a father who passed away from a young age. He was extraordinary. Remarkable. Smart. He had everyone's eyes fixed on him.

He had always acted like he had the world's problems entire weight on his shoulders. That's why his personality came out as the following: snarky, bad tempered, irrational, sarcastic, rude, etc. It's true that he went through many obstacles, and came out victorious. What people don't know is that I went through the same things too.

Did anybody care? Not in the slightest.

Keith was the type to act irreationally before thinking, consequences be damned. He needed someone to look after him, take care of him, guide him, and get him out of the trouble he would have put himself in. I took it upon myself to become that person to him.

As much as I hated being in his shadow, I loved my brother dearly. He was my flesh and blood, after all. My twin; the only person I had shared a womb with. Who I went through all the hardships with. Just for that reason, I have continued staying a few steps behind him, keeping him in the front. To give him a chance to shine.

Then he decided to join the Garrison. Wanted to go to space, follow his dreams. He was an explorer, and I encouraged him, supported him. I even followed him when I didn't even want to. I just had to be there for him no matter what, because you never know when he might needs me.

And although he was doing fine at the beginning, he had to go and mess everything up, resulting in him being expelled from the Garrison. It pissed him off to no end, and I had to bite my tongue and keep myself from telling him that he had it coming, with the way he was behaving.

And being the loyal twin that I am, I dropped out too. The only reason I did that, is because that I wouldn't be able to take care of him while attending classes at the same time. He had always accused me of being the reason of his expulsion, though. That I held him down every time he wanted to soar. People looked down on him because his brother -aka, me- was weak.

His words killed me from inside every single time he uttered them. Every time my heart broke, and I tried so fucking hard to stay strong in front of him, not curl into myself, and cry myself to sleep. Not that I didn't do that when he wasn't around.

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