roller coaster

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when it's sullyoon's first time riding a roller coaster and theres jinni to protect her.

"are you ready?" Jinni asked the nervous girl beside her who's gripping the handle so hard.

"Hey, grip your handle or you might fall," Sullyoon scolded the younger. Jinni simply chuckled and replied, "I'm not going to fall if I don't hold this, Silly," before wrapping her arms around Sullyoon's.

She grabbed sullyoon's hand since she noticed it was shaking. "Just think it's not terrifying," she told Sullyoon, "but it's not so it's fun..." she said to wash the older's thoughts away.

Sullyoon nodded, her gaze falling on their linked hands.

"All right, are you guys ready?" the instructor shouted.

"Yes!!!" said the passengers, and the instructor nodded.

"Open your eyes, Love," Jinni told Sullyoon, who was tightly closing her eye.

She gently opened her eyes, and then the rollercoaster began.

"Chant I'm not going to be terrified before it gets faster, okay?"

Sullyoon nodded and tightened her grip on Jinni's hand as it moved upwards.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid— AHH!"

Sullyoon shrieked as it slid down faster and faster, chasing her thoughts away. She closed her eyes as she felt the ride she's riding right now is gonna fall.

"Open your eyes, love!" Jinni shouted, their hands locked tightly together.

"It's so freaking windy-AH!" Sullyoon exclaimed as she fought to open her eyes.

Jinni exclaimed, "Whoo!" as she chuckled at her girlfriend's reactions.

Then it went sideways, driving both of them insane.





Sullyoon's hair went untidy, as did Jinni's, when the roller coaster stops.

Jinni chuckled as their hair covered their faces, while Sullyoon was trying to calm her heart.

Jinni was the first to stand up, assisting Sullyoon when she struggled and fell on Jinni's chest.

"I'm...i'm dizzy." Sullyoon said, she wants to sleep already.

"Hey...we're not at home," Jinni explained, attempting to get Sullyoon to stand on her own.

"I want sleep," the older said, closing her eyes.

"You may sleep in my car, but we must walk first..."

As Jinni assisted Sullyoon in exiting the roller coaster ride, she slowly opened her eyes.


Sullyoon was already sleeping in the parking lot when they arrived.

Sullyoon can't keep her eyes open any longer, so Jinni gave her a piggyback ride.

Jinni carefully placed Sullyoon in the middle of the backseat before fastening her seatbelt.

She slid the door shut and went into the driver's seat.

"Sweet dreams, Yoona~" jinni whispered before she began to drive.

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