Just getting settled

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None POV

After a night in Tyu's house, Yui decided that she needed to get a job so, Yui took a shower in the morning and put on a polka dot dress,black tights,a leather jacket,and black purse, and black boots.

After a night in Tyu's house, Yui decided that she needed to get a job so, Yui took a shower in the morning and put on a polka dot dress,black tights,a leather jacket,and black purse, and black boots

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Her friend bought it for her. Then, "Breakfast!" Tyu screamed or yelled. Her scream was loud enough for Yui to hear and come downstairs. The breakfast had waffles,pancakes,omelets,and more! Yui was surprised and amazed at the food. Tyu and Yui sat down at the table. "How was your sleep?" Tyu said while eating the waffles. "Amazing!" Yui said happily. After eating for 20 minutes, Yui got up and exited the house to the town. 

She was looking for interviews,none of them matched what she was looking for until there was an ad for music writing and singing contest. Yui was very happy but scared at the same time. There was a sign up sheet and it was half filled. Yui decides to sign up for the contest. It happened on Monday, after school. She is sure that she can wait so, she heads to the house. Yui didn't realize until now but, Yui wondered where she got all of the money from. But Yui paid no mind to it.

 Yui decided to go to sleep early for school. Yui took a warming shower and put on comfy pajamas for the day or night. She was wondering what they do to her when they see her. So, Yui went to sleep scared and worried.But she woke up shortly after since she remembered that homework was due today so, she spent a few minutes on that and got a snack then, she imagined that Ayato was right in front of her. "Oi, pancake what do you think you are having the nerve to run away from us." Ayato said, he wasn't really there but, Yui got so scared that she ran back up stairs and closed the door, locking it in fact. She just didn't want to see them again. Yui was shaking at the fact that she will have to see them again. Reiji might whip her or she will be locked in her room again for days and days. Yui got back into bed holding the sheets tight.So tight that it had marks of her nails on it. Sometimes peace has to end sometimes

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