Chapter 2- Awakening in Hell

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I don't know how long I was out for, but when I woke up, I did NOT like what I saw.

I was in what appeared to be a cell, sat at what appeared to be a desk, wearing what appeared to be a school's uniform

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I was in what appeared to be a cell, sat at what appeared to be a desk, wearing what appeared to be a school's uniform. I looked around the cell and saw a window with metal bars on them. 'Typical for a prison cell.' I thought. I got up from the desk and walked to the bars. I grabbed onto one and let my body go limp.

My grip on the bar slipped and I landed bottom-first on the ground. Yep, those bars were definitely made of ferris, or in simple words, iron.

I looked down at my fingernails to assure myself that they weren't broken. Thankfully, they weren't. I looked down at my desk and saw a leaflet on there.

"A new term is about to begin." I read. The leaflet was written in my native language, so I didn't have many problems reading it. "For the next year, this school will be your whole universe?" I didn't understand what that meant, but I guessed that meant that this was like the schools I attended when training to become a geisha.

I put the leaflet in my pocket and walked towards the cell door. I attempted to open the door. Locked!

"Hello?" I called from my cell, hoping that someone would hear me, "Can anybody hear me?"

I hear footsteps coming down the hall and gasp as I see a girl with long, black hair tied up in a ponytail coming towards me. I smile as she pulls out a key and inserts it into the lock, freeing me.

The second I left that cell, my first response was to thank this stranger.

"Xièxiè." I told the stranger, which is Chinese for "Thank you."

"Dōita." She told me. I knew recognised the language as being Japanese, and that she was saying "You're welcome", so I knew that I was saved by The Ultimate Warrior.

I was conflicted then. I didn't know weather to tell the Ultimate Warrior my real name or nickname. I chose the nickname in the end.

 I chose the nickname in the end

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"My name is Sakura." I told her, in English, hoping she understood English and bowed respectfully to her.

"My name is Sumire Kurusu, the ultimate warrior of Japan, Sakura." She told me, in English, and bowed back.

"It is really nice to meet you

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"It is really nice to meet you. Come, I must introduce you to everybody else." And she lightly grabbed my hand. I tightened my grip, not so much as to hurt her, and Sumire lead me through the halls.

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