Chapter 8- Investigation tension

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An alert was sent out to all E-planners, attached was a message from The Ripper.

"Attention, students!" He started, "Sakura has found herself a dead body! And it's your duty to find out who the Ripper was. Attached to this note, you'll find all the information on the victim and you'll have to look for evidence for a class trial to occur at exactly 3:30pm this very afternoon! There will be consequences if you're a no-show... Happy detecting, everyone~!" He then laughed evilly and the video of Mono the ripper ended.

I started to panic then. I tried to stay calm, remember my breathing, but it was hard when you're in the same room as a corpse!!!!

Sumire, Aura and Megan all burst in and saw me panicking. I think they were talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying through my hysterics.

Aura wrapped her small arms around me, attempting to give me a hug. I accepted it and started to calm down, hugging the smaller girl back and even smiling as I was calming down. Sumire and Megan joined in the embrace and I felt my anxieties melt away like snow.

"Thanks, girls." I said as I touched each peer's head.

"Of course, Mate." Megan smiled at me.

"Do you want to get down to working out who the killer could be? Or do you wanna stay like this for a while?" Asked Sumire, ever the practical one.

"Just five more minutes." I said.


Five minutes later and we were all looking around the crime scene, and by "all," I mean just us girls...

And Nelson while Taha watched.

"Dios mio," Tammy muttered as she searched, "I can't believe one of us actually killed."

"Me either." Sumire agreed.

"Can't say I blame them." Nelson shrugged. "Although, it would have been funnier if the killer had framed someone else, I'm just saying."

We all glared at him, even Taha.

"Hey, being nice isn't gonna get us outta here." Nelson excused.

I turned away, if I ignored him, he'll eventually stop. He didn't.

"Yo, Princess, what's it like running from the media?" He asked Megan. She didn't respond.

"Hey, Africa. Did you know that Americans like me take Africans like you and enslave them? Because we do." He told Aura. I growled, trying to focus on the crime scene.

"Hey, Nelson," Said Taha menacingly "Turn around."

Nelson turned around and got punched square in the face.

"That's for talking sh*t about mine and Aura's skin." Said Taha. Nelson growled and started to walk away while holding his face.

"You'll regret that, WWE." Nelson warned.

"Try me, NFL." Taha called after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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