Chapter 7-Murder! Murder!

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When we awoke, the sun was shining into my bedroom. An message from two hours ago came up on the E-planner.

"What is it?" Aura questioned. I told her I didn't know and opened the E-planner.

The time was 08:0oAM and I was still a little tired, but I had enough brain power to press the button that would allow me to see the message, which was from Mono the ripper.

"Good morning, my wonderful, fantabulous students~~" He said over the recorded message. "If you're seeing this video message at the time it was shared, then it is 06:00, meaning that night time is over. If you are seeing this at a later time, then you are very lucky it's a Saturday or you would be getting punished for truanting/skipping class.

"I know what you're thinking, Ultimate Warrior of Japan, 'Ripper-kun, Saturdays are schooldays.' Well not here in England, they're not~~. You have access to the restricted areas again, but you'll lose said access when nighttime begins again tonight. That's all. Have a brilliant Saturday everyone~~"

It was then that I fully woke up and remembered where I was: trapped in a school with many other students from around the world. Yay for me.

Sumire got out of bed first, then Aura, finally me.

"So, do we just go down there in our pyjamas, or..." I questioned curiously.

"Actually," said Sumire, "As I was carrying you two here, I saw some luggage bags in the main area of the dorm. I assumed they were for us and found pyjamas and three clothing options in each suitcase."

"I took the suitcase with the cool Japanese-style clothes, Aura gladly took the great clothes and I kinda sorta possibly dressed you in pink while you slept..." she giggled nervously and there was an awkward silence between the three of us.

"Ooh," I heard Aura say, finally breaking the silence, "How does this thingy work?!"


We were sat up on the roof at 10:00AM. We had all gotten changed into the casual clothes provided to us and had our breakfast in the dining room.

Before we left our dorm, I took it upon myself to brush and style Aura's hair. I think I did ok.

I noticed something off, though

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I noticed something off, though. There weren't twelve students on the roof, but five.

'Where are Aaliyah, Felix, Victor, Taha, Tammy, Carlos and Kristofer?' I thought as I looked around for them. "If you'll all excuse me..." I said as I stood up, my geisha training showing itself.

"What?" Nelson asked with a smirk, "Going to change your b***ding t***on?" He made a strange gesture which I think was him mocking a girl going through...that stage of the month.

" disgusting!" Megan squealed, feeling as repulsed as I felt.

"What's a t***on?" Aura asked Sumire curiously. I sighed to myself as I left them on the roof. That girl was about to lose her innocence and there wasn't anything I could do to prevent it.

As I walked through the school, I realised how eerie it was. It freaked me out a bit to see nobody; no teachers, no other students, no janitors, no authority figures walking around with me.

I reached the girls bathroom, since that would be the most logical place to check, I wanted to find my girls first.

But the sight I got was not a bunch of girls hiding in the bathroom, but a boy's BODY in the bathroom!

But the sight I got was not a bunch of girls hiding in the bathroom, but a boy's BODY in the bathroom!

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I suddenly felt like I'd lost my voice. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Felix, The Ultimate ice skater, was lying dead in front of me with a knife lodged deep in his chest.

When I recovered my ability to think straight a few seconds later, I saw my E-planner was flashing. There was a button labeled "report body" flashing.

Without knowing what it did, I pressed it.

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