Chapter 3- Meeting the girls

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Sumire lead me through the halls to a room labeled "Learning resource centre".

"This is the library." She told me. "All the girls are in here." She opened the door and I was met by the sight of four other girls.

"These are Tammy, Aaliyah, Megan and Aura." Sumire explained, pointing at the flat-chested girl when she said Tammy, the girl holding the white cane for Aaliyah, the blondie for Megan and the black girl who seemed to be hiding herself for Aura.

" Sumire explained, pointing at the flat-chested girl when she said Tammy, the girl holding the white cane for Aaliyah, the blondie for Megan and the black girl who seemed to be hiding herself for Aura

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"It's nice to meet you." I told the four girls as I bowed to them. "My name is Dakota Konoe, but you all can call me Sakura. That's my nickname. I guess you could call me the Ultimate Geisha of China."

The girl holding the cane walked over to me, holding the cane out seemingly to show where she was going.

"I-I'm sorry." Said Aaliyah shyly, hearing some Greek in her voice, "I use this cane because I'm blind. My name's Aaliyah Dent, by the way."

"Blind?" I thought, not knowing the meaning of that word.

"It, um, means that I can't see..." She looked sad as she said that and I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." I apologised, sad that I'd upset the girl and confused as to how she heard my thought. She opened her arms, like she was offering a hug, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"To be honest, the only things I can actually see are the future and people's thoughts." Aaliyah told me, a little reassured, "That's why I was called The Ultimate Psychic of Greece."


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"Interesting." I heard Sumire say.

"Aw! Me gusta!" Came a Spanish voice and I looked at the tanned ginger flat-chest who'd spoken.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Oh, lo siento, I sometimes find myself slipping into my native language without realising." Tammy then realised I was staring at her chest, "Surprised there's nada aqui, huh? That's because soy el Ultimate Transgender Student of Spain.

I felt pressure by my peers to join the football team back in Madrid, but all I wanted to do was pass mis examines

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I felt pressure by my peers to join the football team back in Madrid, but all I wanted to do was pass mis examines. So, if I couldn't be Connor Jenta and a stupid boy, I'd be Tammy Jenta and a smart girl."

I felt myself starting to cry, Tammy's story was so moving. I also heard the black girl's sobs and, after relinquishing my hold on Aaliyah, walked over to Aura, who was still hiding behind the blondie.

"And you are?" I asked Megan, curious as to who she was.

"Oh, my name is Megan Windsor, Darling." Out of the six in the room, Megan's English was the strongest. The other five girls gasped in surprise.

"Windsor is the surname of Queen Elizabeth!" I said excitedly.

"So that makes you..." Aura started, amazed,

"The Ultimate Princess of England, Darlings!" Megan, or should I say Princess Megan, announced as she pinched the edges of the pleated skirt and curtsied professionally.

"The Ultimate Princess of England, Darlings!" Megan, or should I say Princess Megan, announced as she pinched the edges of the pleated skirt and curtsied professionally

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"However, I would prefer it if you simply referred to me as Megan, and not Princess Megan."

"As you wish, Megan." Sumire, Tammy, Aura, Aaliyah and I say simultaneously. Finally I turned to Aura Mahar, who tried to avoid looking me in the eye.

"Hey," I say to her kindly.

"Hey." She said back.

"What's your ultimate?" I asked her,

"Ultimate soldier of Africa." She tells me as she rubs the back of her leg with her foot.

"I was forced to join the African army when I was eight and fight in so many wars

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"I was forced to join the African army when I was eight and fight in so many wars... So many traps... So many explosions... So many guns... So many dead bodies..."

She shook with fear. With overwhelming kindness, I wrapped my arms around the frightened girl and held her close. Slowly, I felt her slump into my arms and fall asleep.

As the others watched on, I knew I had a duty to protect this traumatised girl

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As the others watched on, I knew I had a duty to protect this traumatised girl. I swore on my father's grave that nothing bad shall ever befall Aura while I was around to protect her.

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