Chapter 6- First night

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We all sat in the canteen, which was adjacent to the hall, looking over the rules and having dinner. I was sat with Sumire, Aura and Carlos and we all had different foods from our native countries;

I had an egg roll, Sumire had some kinda bowl full of pasta, vegetables and meat she called "ramen" and Carlos shared a circular doughy food with tomato sauce and melted cheese on it which he called "pizza" with Aura.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, Carlos." Aura said cutely. AAAAHHHH! She's so adorable!

"Don't mention it, kid." Said Carlos as he took another slice of pizza.

I heard Nelson groaning from the other end of the canteen. He was checking out the E-planner (as we all agreed on calling it) and its rules for this place. Twice he tried to break that thing; once he slapped it across Taha's forearm, but it stayed in tact...

And hurt Taha pretty bad.

After we all finished dinner, an alert appeared on our E-planners. We all pressed the alert on our respective planners and a projection of Mono the ripper appeared on screen.

"Good evening everyone~" He said, "The time is currently 20:00, which means it's night time. You all can go to your respective dormitory rooms, but the gym, field, tennis court, gardens and all classrooms are off-limits until daytime, which will begin at 06:00. Any student caught in the rooms I've listed between now and 06:00–"

"Will be punished, we get it." Nelson groaned angrily after turning off his E-planner. He then paused. "Hold up. Did that bear ever really tell us where our dorm rooms are?"

We all looked around at each other and shrugged. I then looked down at my E-planner and saw a map of this school pop up.

"Hey, I've found a map." I announced and everyone, even Nelson and Felix, crowded around me. There were certain dots on certain rooms with our respective colours;

Pink for me, dark red for Aura, gold for Nelson, purple for Megan, grey for Victor, blue for Tammy, light red for Sumire, white for Kristopher, green for Taha, ice blue for Felix, violet for Aaliyah and black for Carlos.

There were a pink and two red dots in one room, I assumed that was where Sumire, Aura and I were staying, on the top floor.

"Well," I say while sounding tired, "I should be heading to bed. Goodnight everyone." I start to walk away when I realised the hard way how tired I was. I staggered as I walked and I soon found myself falling backwards.

Fortunately, Sumire managed to catch me. I heard her say something to the others, but I was too tired to hear. I soon found myself drifting off to sleep in her arms.


I opened my eyes and found myself back in Wuhan.

Wuhan looked...different, though. The city was on fire and there weren't any people around.

My first instinct told me to go to my old school and see if everything was ok, but the bridge between me and my Geisha school had burned down and there were screams coming from within the school!



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"No..." I said in fear as I saw the school burn, losing hope as I saw it "Wait..."

I was going to burst into tears when I felt somebody shaking me.

"Dakota! Dakota! Wake up!" They said. I didn't understand, was I asleep? "You're having a nightmare!" Yep.

I opened my eyes and found Sumire standing above me with a concerned face. She didn't wear the uniform, though, but a purple pyjama shirt, blue pyjama pants, black socks and her hair down.

I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing my pink night dress with a golden star and, feeling around my head, I came to the conclusion that I was wearing my head wrap also.

"Where are we?" I asked her as I looked around the unfamiliar room,

"Our dormitory." Said Sumire. "I saw your bag and I thought you wouldn't be comfy sleeping in uniform."

The door to the bedroom opened and Aura was seen standing in the doorway. She wore a grey t-shirt which seemed to be too big for her and held a ragged blanket in her hands.

"I thought you went to sleep, Aura." Said Sumire as she sat on my bed and scooted up to me to make space for her.

"I couldn't," Aura said in an apologetic tone as she started towards the bed and sat down, "This whole school experience scares me. I've never been to school, the army is all I know and I—"

I wouldn't allow this sweet, kind, innocent little girl to say anymore. I pulled Aura into a tight hug and felt her hug me back. I heard some Japanese singing and began to feel tired again.

I realised what Sumire was singing. It was a lullaby. Since I didn't speak fluent Japanese, I didn't know what she was singing. But it sounded beautiful.

I soon felt Sumire crawling under the covers with me, Aura and her blanket. As the Japanese lullaby drew to the coda, all three of us fell asleep again, hopes and positive dreams filling our heads.

 As the Japanese lullaby drew to the coda, all three of us fell asleep again, hopes and positive dreams filling our heads

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