Mocking Coach Moore 5/12/1993

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––––––––––IN PE––––––––––


Everyone warming up

Ned stops to breathe

COACH: 10 jumping jacks!

Everyone does jumping jacks

Bryan walks into gym

Coach blows whistle

COACH: Bryan

COACH: Why are you late?

BRYAN: Apologies, Mr Moore

BRYAN: The bus was running late today so with common sense, I walked instead

Coach about to say something

SOMEONE: Why didn't you run?

SOMEONE: Weakling

COACH: Enough!

COACH (To BRYAN): 50 press ups

BRYAN: May I ask why, sir?


Bryan gets on floor

Bryan tries to lift himself up

Bryan falls flat

Everyone laughs

SOMEONE: What did I say?

SOMEONE: Weakling!

COACH: You know what

COACH: Just go and sit down

BRYAN: I politely refuse

Everyone whispering

COACH: Excuse me??

BRYAN: Because I've just had breakfast, its better to stand up to help the body digest the food

BRYAN: As sitting down or slouching can cause the food to move back up, into the oesophagus 

Coach looking confused


BRYAN: You may want to start consuming your meals, standing up

BRYAN: It'll help you burn a few extra calories

BRYAN: Just a suggestion

Everyone makes 'oooh' noises

Coach turns pink

Bryan looking proud

COACH: How DARE you say something to me like that-

BRYAN: Oh, and you might want to join in on the race next Tuesday

BRYAN: Everyone knows that running can also help burn a lot of calories

Coach turns red

Everyone starts chatting loudly

Coach points at door

COACH: Principal's office.



Bryan runs off

BRYAN: Have a good day!

Bryan closes door

Ned and Gavin looks surprised

Coach turns around


Everyone goes quiet

COACH: If ANYONE thinks it's funny to mock a teacher, the door is right over there

––––––––––AT LUNCH––––––––––

GAVIN: I can't believe he did that!

NED: I know right!

NED: No one has ever spoken to coach like that before

GAVIN: To be honest, I thought that was kinda cool

NED: Bruh

NED: Are you serious?

NED: If he hadn't said anything

NED: Coach wouldn't have made us do 10 laps for laughing at him

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