Chapter 42: Alien

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Imagine this, think of the biggest anxiety attack you've had. Okay , now mix that with the sickest you've been.

If your capable of it combine those two things with worry, or dread of the things of the unknown.

It's close to the feeling of flying on a plane to a country you've never been before, you're scared because your on a plane and hights are frightening and the feeling of the unexpected.

Roll that all into one and what do you get. There isn't a word to discribe it; this feeling is inexpressable. If there was trust me I'd know about that word. The clostest thing to discribe it is mental torcher.

This was what I was experiencing, I was in an inclosed place it was dark and I had no idea where I was. Finally I could open my eyes everything was white,
and there was a faint distant beeping noise.

Glancing up I see a green light flash synkronized to the beat of the high pitched noise.

Then I could hear the machine move making a sound similar to unlocking of a safe and immediately my ears popped.

"You are now in year 4834," The artificial voice announced.

Pressure released and clean air blew in. It felt like I was breathing for the first time.

Steam impaired my view then everything slowly became.

"What happened." I mumbled to myself standing in the door way to the new world.

My heart was torn by what I saw.

The earth was a gigantic casket holding the decomposing skeleton of the world I left behind moments ago.

Everything was made of light brown and grey shades. Shells of once magnificent buildings, sand and dust seemed to make up the ground. There was no dirt furtile to bring life.
It was like someone sucked the life out of the earth . Then robbed it of anything that had potential of being useful, including a comfortable climate.

The air was dry and hot making it hard to belive that I spotted trees in the distance though none of them were green. I walked over and touched the bark just to find it hollow and easily broken.

Then a wave of thirst came over me. Everything caught up to me, the soreness of sitting for a thousand years, hunger (The box provided the balance of nutrients but being the food stock ran out about a month ago my stumic ached from being empty so long) and thirst was the hardest to bare.

I had no choice but to leave my safe haven and go deeper into an alien place that was once home.

A better view was mine when I was walking around an distored body of water that smelt like an ocean. The dying forest and the overbaring desert were the three habitats visable there was no promise of any others. A forest was evidently my best chance for resources but was not promising.

My guard was never down in the unknown. The forest gave me the comfort of camouflage but it still was not protection. No water was found I was completely parched. The I.V ran out days ago making me low on vitamins and dehydrated.

My only hope was to dig and find a moist root.

The sand was discolored, almost a green, but the deeper I got the colder the dirt got.

I got to the point where I was digging like a homosapien, no knowledge just survival.

Hours went buy still no water. I felt like a mad man. I was absorbed by frustration and fear. Crying I hit at the ground my hands shaking, my insides nauseated. These were signs I was beyond critical condition, dehydration was how I was going to go. I made it this far, I may be the last one alive and I was dying of lack of H20.

I was laying on the sand in fetal position hoping to find comfort in my last hour my eyes ran out of tears and my head ached terribly.

David. If tears would have came I would have weeped at the thought of him but I cried silently instead my cheeks as dry as the sand.

I felt a shadow apon me but I was too weak to see or care.

I closed my eyes making growns in pain.

It wasn't long before I let the darkness take me.


I felt a large sum of pressure in my leftside right under my collarbone.

Then I heard things...
"Do you think she's the one in the stories!?" I heard a youthful boy exclaim "

"It doesn't matter! Just keep doing CPR!" I heard a woman snap.

Then I felt warm lips tickling them with breath filling my lungs.

"Her eyes! I saw them flutter!"

"Come on!"

Water splashed over my face.

I sat up practically screaming.

There were faces that now matched the voices.

We stared at each other amazed equally fearful.

They were strange their hair an uncommon shade of brown. The boys eyes seemed to be grey and they stared closely.

"Her clothes are strange and go back to a date I can't remember! She is one of them!"

"Sage, Shut it!"

The girl kneeled close to me her black clothing seemed one with her skin they were so tight. Her light yellow eyes seemed to pierce my soul.

"Are you okay? Where are you from?"

"What did you mean by 'one of them'?" I said instead of answering her question.

"I'm Juniper, this is Sage. We haven't see another person besides the residents of our clan. Are there others?"

"I'm sorry... I don't know much."

That's new. I always know something.

Thirst seemed to punch me suddenly.

"Do you have any water?!"

"Water? There's some over there it's what we put on you to get you moving." Juniper pointed to the revolting body of water.

"June-per, what do you drink?"

"It's June-e-per, but.."

She was cut off by the boy.

"Water it's what the old Landers drank before the 'War to end all wars'!"

"Is what this dweeb is saying true?" She asked.

"Yeah it is.... How do you.."
He again cut off conversation.

"I read old lander screens, the words used are smarter."

"Do you have my 'old lander' water?" I asked Sage.

"Oh No! That hasn't existed since the 'Last war between men'. Do not worry we have something with the same purpose."

"Please I am parched!"

"Parched?" Juiper asked confused.
"She's thirsty," Sage informed.

"She could have just said that."

"What's your name?" Sage asked"

"I'm Marcie..."

"Marcie, did you come in a white box?"

" Affirmative."

"You are! You were a Chosen, your the one that's going to defeat them!"

"The what?"

"Doesn't matter right now. We need to go to the lodge. We'll get you a drink there," Juniper replied.

We started walking, my head hurt and I have no idea what to do. I don't trust these people, they're clothes and hair are strange matted in a controlled styled way their eyes are unnatural. I don't know what to think or say of what's around me my mind spins and my heart pumps yet I don't feel alive. I'm just a part of the scenery old and dead.

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