CHAPTER 30: Discovered by a stranger

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Death is the most disgusting of all criminals no one can escape it, no one can call for it's arrest but if it could be caught it's punishment would never be fulfilled. It is the center of pain. It can hurt people in away that shouldn't exist it can destroy people from the very core. I try to ignore it's existence. It left me broken in an unfixable way.

I woke up to the same slow heart beat I feel asleep to.

His handsome face peaceful and pail.

I heard the distant door screech open. The outside shone a beam of light in the pitch black room my eyes were now adjusted too.

I dragged Dustun's limp body to the corner of the large room ready to defend myself and to make sure no harm came to my mate.

The door closed blocking out any sign of light once again. Not too close behind I heard the clip-clop of shoes gradually approaching.

When the person walked past me I snuck behind him or her and put my had over their mouth. I felt the body tense up, but only for a second. Then I found myself kneed in the stomach and elbowed in the face. This dude was the definition of swift. I threw a punch and dodged a few of his which made me feel pathetic. Then the stranger knocked the air from my lunges and pinned me on the ground with a forearm on my neck.

I felt cold lips brush my ear. "I need you to come with me," the very deep masculine voice whispered.

Chills rushed over my skin. Not only did I feel uncomfortable having my personal space invaded but the whole whispering thing was creepy.

I took a deep breath of relief when I was released. He shoved me as a signal to get up. I obeyed trying not to look back so Dustun would remain hidden.

I was lead out the door. The sun made my eyes sore and the fridged snowy air stole the warmth off my skin.

He gave me a second to adjust.

"This way."

I followed, everything still to bright to see.

Then my sight adjusted to the horrors of reality. Bodies. Dead bodies. They were of kids I walked passed in halls, kids I ate in the cafeteria with. Familiar but nameless.

I felt weak and nauseous.

"The price of war," the young man said breaking the silence.

I looked up to see him clearly for the first time. He seemed to be half Arabic his skin a weird tan. His hair black matched his scruffy face. He had slim torso and buff arms. The most striking thing about him was his eyes they were a vibrant teal. They stook out like a flower in a feild of dead grass.

"I'm gussing you're familiar with this 'price' ? "I asked still squinting from the bright sun.

"Who isn't?" He answered.

I stared at him not because of what he said that was something topical but I still couldn't shake the sturn bright blue eyes that stood out from all the gray ash around me.

"Sorry but I don't have time for your admiration at the moment."

I was kinda ashamed mostly just embarrassed he caught me staring.

"Now help me lift this off of my girlfriend."

I nodded.

I went on the other side of the chunk of cement and helped lift it.

I tried my hardest to look strong even though this was a difficult task for me.

We threw it to the side revealing an 7 foot deep ditch.

There was some coughing.



"I came back for you," Grant replied.

He got on his stomach to pull her out.

She was filthy and cut up but her being alive and in one piece seemed to be a miracle in this environment.

When they were both on their feet they hugged and she cried.

I stood there in the background awkwardly while these two ( in their late teens early adult years) embraced each other.

"Who's this?" Kiarra replied.

"Oh I found her to help me lift this crap. I don't need her anymore though."

I blushed in embarrassment.

Then I got a little pissed off.

"Oh sorry you made me help you!"

My hands in such tight fists they felt like they were on fire.....probably because they actually were.

I looked over at them just to see a confused, scared, weirded out look on their stupid faces.

I looked down at my hands to see my palms on fire.

I didn't know what to do. Run. Explain. Burn everything.


"I have more important things to attend to," I added.

"Well if you can keep your cool and don't burn us to the crisp maybe we can help you with your sick friend," Grant said.

Kiarra gave him a weird look.

Wait he noticed Dustun?


I took Grant and Kiarra to the door that lead them down to Dustun. I dragged Dustun gently to the center of the room. I tried to put him in a most comfortable possible.

"He's the only one who knows where the rest of the boxes are. He lost a lot of blood, I need him back I owe it to him," I informed.

"Have a flashlight?" Grant asked.

"Yeah," I said handing him one from the only remaining bag out of the three.

I hope Miles made it.....I don't see how he couldn't have.

"Well you fixed him up pretty good. He'll wake up after a few days. We just need to feed him some how or give him an IV," he observed.

"I have an IV but nothing to keep it elevated."

I grabbed a lantern to explore this empty warehouse.

I looked around the room to uncover that there were wonderful closests full of typical survival supplies: food, watter, guns, knives, clothes,first aid kit, blankets and some random chairs.

I grabbed three of the light, white foldable chairs along with a few other things.

"Here.Blankets and food in that closet if you want. Just remember we might be here for awhile."

I handed them the chairs. The third was for Dustun's IV.


After we had something to eat we went to bed. I knew Dustun was gunna make it now so I guess listening to his heart beat sounded kinda stupid. But I did fall asleep watching him. His chest rising and falling, his dark hair a mess, and his pail skin.

I hope he wakes up soon. I want to be out of here and in a safe box, I want to sleep for a thousand years.

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