Chapter 25: The Box

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I've relished training. David and I have been hanging out quiet often.

Everything has been smooth sailing. I love the whole intelligence testing stuff. Just the pleasure of totally creaming competition (Yes, there is actually competition in the world. Who knew?) One guy didn't even know the definition of a black hole. Seriously?! A region of space having a gravitational force so strong no form of matter can escape it, simple!

Sorry, I probably  sound like I have a swelled head. But I work really hard to have such a wide variety of knowledge.

Anyway, a lot of people have been let go. Including my dear friend. About 500 remain and I'm starting to get nervous. We have another week of training to accomplish. Then we are on our own. A few of the boxes are even prepared.


11:33 am, January 23.

Today after another life threatening practice I went to the store to see if I earned food.

If you do well in training you earn food. It's not to hard to be rewarded with a meal just push yourself when the observers are near you. At least thats what I do and I've always had a full stumic. I walked over to the man with the scanner.

"Hold out your arm." He commanded

I held out my left arm with the bar code.

The machine chirps as a sign of another successful day.

I put my plate over to receive the desired food.

I chose to eat fish and chips(My favorite meal) and I received the rest of my food points in snacks in a grocery bag.

I saw a few kids with out food. One girl  stood out she was sitting alone tapping her fingers against the table  in a melody. She was very thin. She was drounding in brown dress to big for her.

I felt pitty for her. Not all kids slack and not get food. Some just are to sick to work hard. Some are too stupid to see that.

"Hey," I called to the girl.

"Oh,hello," She said surprised.

"What some of me food I have an abundance of soda and PB&J sandwiches," I replied.

"Yea, I would love some."

"Ok, cool."

I handed her 2 of each.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me," She said with greatful eyes.

"No problem."

I walked to me dorm. Then suddenly I heard sirens.

Bombs! Here?!

I ran to find some sort of shelter.

There wasn't any...

Then it hit me. The boxes.

I ran to where they were.

I practice pas them everyday.

I sprinted toward them.

I heard screaming and rushing.

Then a blow. A huge blow the impact made trip even though it was pretty far.

Then suddenly one got closer. Debrey flew in all directions. I suddenly got warm. Fire. I just kept running.

I was the first one to have the idea everyone was going the a different way.

I felt like a rock in a stream.

Then I thought. David.

I yelled for him.

I finally heard a call back.

I hugged him.

"Get in one of the boxes!" I demand.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it!" I demand.

He obeyed and we went in together.

We came near the boxes.

It was empty of people.

"Guess we wont be seeing each other for awhile." I said on the verge of tears.

"Hahaha yea," He replied looking sad at me.

"I guess this is goodbye," I managed to say.

"No, a see you later," David said trying to hold back the feelings.

I laughed even though tears were running down my face.

He hugged me.

"We should go."


He kissed me for head.

"See you later," I said to him.

We could hear bombs threatening to crush us in the distance.

I entered the unknown.

The futuristic container trembled from another blow.

"Welcome, survivor," The boxes automatic voice replied.


Hey guys thank you soooo much for reading my book.Another great read is Windswept.

Also a great person to follow is Spookiie he will follow you back.

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