Prologue: The Birth of The New Prince

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"Your Majesty?" The man asks carefully as the King enters the Seer's chambers.

The king has a stern look on his face, his eyes dark and emotionless, "Any news of my wife's wellbeing?"

The Seer frowns, his pale eyes narrowed, "My apologies, Sire, but.. As far as I can see Her Majesty's illness isn't going to get better.."

"Find a way to change it. She cannot die!" The king demands, slamming his fist down on the table standing between them, causing the crystal ball at its center to tremble. The Seer gently reaches out and steadies the delicate item, "My powers do not work like that, Your Majesty. I only see the future, I cannot change it. I assure you, Her Majesty's recovery is what I wish for as well, but it is not something I can conjure from nothing."

"Find. Something." The king growls, this was the life of his wife and his unborn child on the line here.

The Seer sighs and closes his eyes, resting his hands on the crystal ball, searching the futures he can catch glimpses of. The king waits, though impatiently, crossing his arms and glaring at the prophetic figure before him. After a few moments, the Seer opens his eyes, glowing with a faint green light, "Your wife.. She is having twins."

The king looks confused, that wasn't what he expected to hear. It's not the answer he's looking for either. He nods, "Alright.. Can she and the children be saved? What do you see?"

"They will not survive on their own, Her Majesty's strength is quickly waning. But, I see a possible future where they all thrive, but you must find the flower." The Seer replies.

"Flower?" The king urges, "What flower? From where?"

"The golden flower of the sundrop." He says, almost in a whisper, "The flower has healing properties, it is the only way to save the lives of the Queen and the unborn princes."

"I'll do it! Where do I get the flower?" The king presses, leaning on the table, his face showing concern and hope.

The Seer raises his head, blinking slowly as he locks eyes with the king, "The flower resides on the mountain of the dragonwitches. Sire, if you intend to take one of their most sacred artifacts, it could have some unseemly consequences.."

"I don't care." The king declares, eyes narrow and confident, "If it will save my wife and children, I'll do whatever it takes."

The king turns and storms out of the chamber, his cape flowing behind him. The Seer sighs, the glow fading from his eyes, "Humans truly are such a greedy race."


The king returned to the castle after a two day travel with his most experienced guards, the coveted flower safe and secure in a box carried on his horse. He takes the box, ushering servants to tend to his horse as he hurries inside. His heavy footsteps echo through the castle, bustling with worried servants who are preparing for the worst. The king arrives at his bed chamber, his personal guard right behind him. He throws open the doors and enters the room, his wife still lies in bed, feverish and unconscious, her swollen belly showing her pregnancy nearing its end. Her long auburn hair is somewhat matted as it lies around her face, locks stuck to her face with sweat. There are a few guards already in the room and they bow as the king enters.

A little boy, about four years old with dark hair and matching eyes wearing royal robes scrambles off the bed, "Father! You're back!"

The king dismisses the Crown Prince with a pat on the head, handing the box to the nearest guard, "Prepare this to be fed to Arianna."

The guard bows and hurries out with the box. The king sits at his wife's side and the boy climbs onto his father's lap, "Is that gonna help Mother?"

The king hugs the child close, heaving a heavy sigh, "We can only hope so, Thomas. We can only hope so."


Indeed the magic flower had done its job and soon Queen Arianna made a miraculous recovery. And very soon after the queen went into labor. Thomas was ushered from the room when this happened and the young prince was left to entertain himself as everyone including his father tended to his mother. Thomas didn't mind though, he was used to playing by himself so this day was like any other. He didn't really know what was going on with his mother beyond that she had been sick and he was soon going to have a little brother or sister.

Prince Thomas was excited to be a big brother, all things considered. He was mostly excited that eventually, he would have someone to play with once his sibling wasn't just a little baby anymore. The young prince sat in the courtyard, kicking little pebbles around between his feet. He looks up at the sky at the sound of thunder. He looks confused, the sky was getting dark, the purple rain clouds were rolling in followed by lightning.

He winces lightly at the flash of light, but doesn't get up from his spot. After a few moments he sees creatures in the sky, looking too big to be birds. He watches them, and as they get closer and closer to the castle, he realizes what they are. His father had warned about these creatures often: Dragons. Thomas jumps up in fear and runs inside, seeking out his father for comfort from his fear. The dragonwitches had come in retaliation for the nature the king had disrupted by plucking the golden flower from its natural home.

When the flower wasn't returned to them, the cursed beings decided retribution was owed, so they took something from the kingdom of Avalair in return. No lives were lost, barely any blood was spilled, and when the short battle was over, the guards of the castle and even the king and queen themselves had no idea what the dragonwitches had taken had ever existed in the first place. Afterwards, Thomas was finally introduced to his new little brother, Roman, the young second Prince of Avalair.

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