Chapter One: The Prince

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"You're going to have to try harder than that, little brother," Thomas laughs, his eyes twinkling with mischief and pride. He points his sword at the now fifteen year old Roman, "You're never going to beat me with moves like that."

"Please!" The teenage prince scoffs, rolling his eyes, "I can beat you with my eyes closed!"

He then grins, "You're not as smooth as you think you are, big brother."

"Oh?" Thomas asks, amused, "I'm pretty sure my wins versus yours say otherwise."

"Round two?" Roman grins excitedly.

Thomas laughs and is about to answer when they're interrupted by a man in a fancy uniform clearing his throat, "Excuse me, Your Highnesses, but Her Majesty Queen Arianna wanted me to inform you to be ready for lunch as the royalty of Orkan will be here soon."

Thomas nods at their father's adviser, "Thank you, James."

The man, James bows to them before turning and disappearing back into the castle. Roman pouts, "Do we really gotta sit through a stuffy lunch with the Orkan people?"

"They're here for me, really so I'm sure you could talk Mother into letting you out of it." Thomas smiles at his little brother.

"Yeah, right," Roman crosses his arms, "This is gonna be so boring."

Thomas laughs softly, "Politics usually are, Ro."

"You said they're coming here for you?" Roman asks, "What for?"

"Father wants to arrange a marriage for me for two years from now to create a treaty." Thomas shrugs, "Told you, it's just politics."

Roman scrunches up his nose, "An arranged marriage? No thanks."

Thomas chuckles, "I've known this has been a long time coming. I've made my peace with it."

"But," Roman frowns sadly, "Don't you want to marry for love?"

"Just because it's an arrangement doesn't mean you can't still fall in love with them." Thomas says, ruffling Roman's hair, "You gotta look on the bright side, little brother, 'cause that's where happiness is always gonna be."

Roman playfully swats his brother's hand from his auburn hair, brushing it back into place with his fingers, "Yeah, well I don't want anyone choosing who I'm gonna love for me. If I marry someone, I want it to be my choice."

Thomas nods, smiling endearingly, "Of course you do, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're just arranging me because I'll be king some day. I'm sure you'll be able to marry whoever you want."

"Are you excited to be king?" Roman asks, his eyes widening.

Thomas shrugs, "It's a lot of responsibility, and to be honest I'm not sure how well I'd do. I guess I'm more nervous than anything, but when I was little, I couldn't wait to be king."

Roman nods, "Makes sense."

"Come on, we should get ready for lunch before James has to come get us or Mother herself." Thomas laughs softly.

Roman chuckles and follows his brother from the courtyard, "After lunch, round two?"

"I have to attend the audience with Father, but after that I'm all yours." Thomas replies with a grin.

Roman smiles brightly, "Awesome! I'm taking you down this time!"

Thomas laughs and pats Roman on the head again and Roman just grins back at him. He hadn't beaten Thomas in a sparring match yet, but he was getting closer and closer every day. Or maybe Thomas was just going easy on him, but Roman likes to assume he's going to surpass his brother's skills at the blade some day.


Thomas never made it for round two, becoming too wrapped up in the duties his father gave him in preparation for Thomas' eventual coronation. Roman sat in the courtyard, waiting for two hours past the audience's end, his training sword in his lap. He sighs, staring down at the sword, "Guess round two will have to wait."

He frowns and stands, tossing his sword to the ground. He turns and walks back inside, knowing one of the many servants will put the sword back where it goes. His brother never has enough time for him anymore, not that Roman never expected this with a four year difference between them and while Roman has classes and studies he has to attend as well, it's not nearly as much as Thomas has. He just wishes he could do some of the important stuff that their father let's Thomas do, then maybe he won't be so bored most of the time, having to entertain himself.

Roman makes his way to the Seer's chamber and knocks lightly before opening the door, "Um.. Hello?"

"What do you need, Young Highness?" The Seer asks, turning from the round table in the middle of the room. He's an older man, tall and thin but by no means frail. His pale eyes are narrowed and almost emotionless, mirroring his expression. His long white hair flows lightly with his movements, pointed ears sticking out from between the locks.

Roman grins shyly and steps into the room, "Sorry to bother you, Seer, but like.. Do you see me..doing anything interesting in the near future?"

The Seer sighs lightly, "No offense, Young Highness but my powers are not a child's plaything."

Roman frowns lightly, lowering his head, "Right.. Sorry.. I'm just.."

"Bored, I know." The Seer chuckles lightly, "It's hard being the young Prince, isn't it? Having no real duties in which to prove yourself to His Majesty."

Roman looks back at him, almost surprised by the prophet's words. He nods. The Seer smiles lightly, "There is a way you can prove yourself, Prince Roman. You've heard of Mandrake Hill, yes?"

Roman nods again, "Yeah! Father says dragonwitches live there and they're very dangerous."

"They can be quite dangerous," the Seer nods with thought, "But.. On that mountain lies quite a few of nature's gifts. If you brave the mountain and claim one, His Majesty will have to see you for what you can do at last."

Roman nods, an excited expression growing on his face, "What kind of nature gifts should I look out for?"

"Anything that grows and seems to illuminate with magic is a safe bet." The Seer replies.

Roman nods again, the excitement on his face replaced with confidence, "Yeah! If I bring something that special back from the dragonwitches, Father will have to be proud and see I can do just as much as Thomas can!"

"Perhaps. But do be careful, Young Highness. The beings dwelling on Mandrake Hill are quite territorial. It's okay if you can't bring anything back, you need not put yourself in jeopardy for nothing. Your father definitely won't be proud if you go and get yourself hurt."

"Yes, Seer, of course!" Roman does a light bow, "Thank you, Seer!"

He turns and rushes out in a confident excitement. The Seer sighs and shakes his head, "If he gets hurt, the king will surely have my head."

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