Chapter Thirteen: Common Interests Part Two

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Virgil and Janus crossed the distance in the dead of night, the sound of the horns in the distance hurrying their steps. They haven't been caught up with, and they can't afford to be or Janus' life will most likely be put to an end. That's an outcome Virgil will fight with even his dying breath if he has to. They're not alone though, as unbeknownst to them for the time being that they are being followed quite closely. They do notice after a little while longer, and their shadow is threatened with the burning end of Virgil's magic, only to recoil when he recognizes the face in the purple hue of his fire's glow.


Remus grins back, "Ooh, sparkly!"

"What are you doing here?!" Virgil groans, extinguishing the fire he holds, "Go back!"

"Virgil, we don't have to hurry," Janus urges harshly, a light hiss to his voice.

"I'm coming with you!" Remus proclaims with a big grin across his face. Virgil groans and nods, grabbing Remus by the arm and dragging him along as the trio break into a run. They really can't afford to be caught up with because they stopped moving. Swiftly into the night, they fled across the mountain in a desperate hope to preserve their lives. By morning they're all exhausted, but Virgil's sure they've put enough distance between them and their pursuers. At least he can only hope so. Still, they continue walking in a direction they have no idea to where it leads. Dead on their feet at this point, Remus complains that he wants to sleep and Virgil's about to snap at him when Janus halts his steps.

Virgil looks at him questioningly and Janus's eyes narrow, uttering out lowly, "Don't hide."

Virgil's the first to move, jumping up into a nearby tree standing just before a dirt beaten path. Janus and Remus follow and before long, Virgil sees what Janus had sensed. A group of what appeared to be three humans walking along the dirt path. Suddenly they stop and the one in blue points towards the trees. Virgil holds his breath, eyes narrowing as he decides if the people before them are friend or foe.

The one in red calls out to the trees, "Halt, spies! Reveal yourselves at once!"

Virgil exchanges a glance with Janus, who nods. Virgil nods back and after a moment, he drops from the tree, landing before them. His eyes lock with the boy in the red cloak and he swears there's a hint of recognition in the boy's eyes.

"You!" The boy's dark eyes harden and he rolls his shoulders back, pointing a finger towards Virgil, "You are a Dragonwitch, yes? Tell me what you fiends did with my brother!"

Virgil's eyes fall to the insignia on the boy's arm. He's seen that before, the kingdom of the humans. So, that must make this boy their prince. Virgil smirks lightly, "Sorry, Princey, but I have no idea what you're talking about."

"That's Prince Roman to you," the one in dark blue spoke up, eyes narrow with disdain.

Roman, huh? "Nah, I think I like Princey better." Virgil replies with a smug grin.

"Logan," The prince touches the other's arm lightly before glancing back at Virgil, "Trying to lie is futile, witch. I demand you reveal where he's been taken this instant."

"Hate to break it to you, Princey," Virgil tilts his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes shimmer in the morning light, "But I have no idea where your brother is."

Roman stares back at him, almost taken aback by the beauty of his eyes in that light.

"I get lost in your eyes.." he mutters and Virgil raises an eyebrow, clearly having heard him. Roman sputters, "I-I will not be fooled by your lies!"

Roman clears his throat, a blush brightening his cheeks, "Do you really not know?"

"Nope," Virgil shrugs, "Kinda got my own problems I'm dealing with, so if you'll excuse me."

"Wait," Roman frowns, "I know the Dragonwitches took my brother."

"That's not my problem." Virgil stares back indifferently, "I already told you, twice that I know nothing about that."

"Who else is with you," Logan demands, "I know you're not alone."

"None of your business," Virgil hisses.

"Virgil if you don't hurry up, I'm sleeping in this tree!" Remus yells out and Janus glares at him.

Virgil groans softly and Roman and the other two exchange glances.

"Reveal yourselves!" Logan commands.

Janus sighs and drops down from the tree and Remus chuckles, jumping down after him. Roman frowns at the newcomers and then his eyes widen lightly when he sees Remus. There is just something earily similar about him. A feeling like he somehow knows that boy, though he can't recall why. Remus stares back and tilts his head, "Huh. You look kinda like me. But ugly."

"What?!" Roman scoffs, "I-I am not ugly! How dare you!"

Remus giggles and waves his hand dismissively, "I dunno, guys isn't he kinda ugly?"

Roman scoffs and sputters in embarrassment and Logan rolls his eyes lightly.

"We do have time to stay here. So let's not get going already." Janus hisses.

"Why are you speaking like that?" Logan frowns.

"Are you in danger?" The last human finally speaks up, "You're running from something aren't you?"

Roman and Logan look at him, and Virgil glances at him wearily. They've been delayed far too long. He scoffs, "You're not just going to let us leave, are you?"

"No," Logan states, "This is all too.. Peculiar."

"And totally all your business," Janus growls lightly.

"Help us find my brother," Roman says with a display of courage, "And we'll help you with whatever you're running from."

"What?" Logan snaps, "Sire, you cannot be serious!"

"I am," Roman says defiantly, "We're going to need all the help we can get."

"And if we don't agree to this?" Virgil almost glares, "You have no idea what you're intending to give for us."

"Call it a show of faith," Roman smiles lightly, holding a hand out towards them, "There is not much I can't give you. So, what do you say? Virgil? Align with us?"

Virgil glances back at Janus and Remus. Remus shrugs and Janus just frowns. Virgil sighs lightly, Guess it's all up to me. He turns back to Roman and weighs his options for a moment. A wealthy prince could be quite useful. Let's see where this goes. He reaches forward and takes Roman's hand, "It's a deal."

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