Chapter Twleve: Common Interests Part One

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"So what did you find?" Prince Roman asks excitedly.

"I was able to register the magic residue left behind and it is in fact Dragonwitch magic." Logan explains, adjusting his glasses as he continues, "Though it is on the weaker side of the various samples I have had the pleasure of studying, so I would say the magic comes from a younger Dragonwitch."

"So it is the Dragonwitches.." Roman frowns, crossing his arms, "Have you told my parents?"

"I have only told you." Logan states.

"Good, keep it that way." Roman urges, dropping his hands to his sides with a determined look on his face, "I am going to get Thomas back from those dastardly Dragonwitches and then Father will have to see that I'm not just a dumb kid anymore."

"Sire, I must highly recommend you reconsider. The Dragonwitches are quite dangerous." Logan frowns.

"You're not talking me out of it." Roman says, "And as your prince, I order you to tell no one of this."

Logan looks shocked for a moment before he stands and stares back at Roman with a guarded but stern expression, "With all due respect, Prince Roman, I must implore you to reconsider. Not all Dragonwitches thrive on Mandrake Mountain, nor do you know how to track magic in order to ensure you find Prince Thomas. This is ludicrous, do not make me continue to beg."

"Come with me." Roman smiles softly, "You can do those things to help me find him."

"Absolutely not." Logan groans, "That is a horrible idea and I will not entertain your ridiculous escapade."

"Wow, that's a harsh way to speak to your prince." Roman smirks.

Logan is not amused.

"As your prince I order you to come with me to help find my brother." Roman smiles brightly.

"You're not going to let me ignore that, are you?" Logan groans, pinching the bridge of his nose, "You're going to leave no matter what I try to say."

"Exactly." Roman grins, "So get ready to leave in an hour."

"And what excuse are we going to use to leave?" Logan sighs, crossing his arms.

"Training with the knights." Roman shrugs.

"Fine." Logan resigns with a groan, "But I will not be taking the fall for this if everything goes badly, no matter what order you may give."

"Fair." Roman smiles gently, "I'll take full blame regardless of how it ends. I promise."


Patton is sorting through the training shields near the front gate when he notices someone passing the barracks just beyond the gate. His eyes widen lightly when he catches glimpse of none other than Prince Roman himself, and Lord Logan right beside him. Patton stands and hastens to the gate, clumsily bowing, "Y-Your Highness! Did you come for another lesson?"

Logan frowns and Roman is slightly startled, wearing a red cloak with the hood up to attempt to disguise himself which clearly didn't work. Logan stops walking and crosses his arms impatiently as Roman steps up to the gate, "Ah, Patton, right?"

"That's right!" Patton is in awe that the prince even remembered his name. They had only had a few lessons together and it wasn't like Patton stood out much.

"You can't tell anyone you saw me. Okay? Can you do that for me?" Roman urges, glancing around.

Patton blinks, looking confused, "Why not?"

"Highness," Logan hisses impatiently, "We must be going."

"Where are you going?" Patton asks softly, "Is everything okay? Your Highness?"

"It's fine." Roman sighs, "Logan and I are going on a quest, and you can't tell anyone."

"Is that an order..?" Patton asks looking between Logan and Roman, "Is your quest dangerous?"

"It will be, most likely." Roman frowns lightly.

Patton smiles softly, suddenly struck with courage, "May I accompany you, Young Highness? If it's dangerous, you'll need someone who can help protect you."

"Can you protect him?" Logan asks sternly, "You're not a knight yet."

"I-I can," Patton assures him, "at least, I believe I can. I am Lady Valerie's top student and personal squire, I know the art of the blade and I am really good with first aid as well. I am qualified to help."

"You can come." Roman decides.

"What?" Logan snaps, "With all due respect, Young Highness, we don't have time for this."

"You said so yourself, it could be dangerous. I think we could use the help." Roman states.

"I didn't want us to leave on this ridiculous quest in the first place." Logan grumbles.

"We have to hurry, everyone will be back from lunch soon." Patton urges, tying his sword to his back as he  steps through the gate.

Roman nods and quickly turns on his heel, leading the way. Patton hurries to follow and Logan falls in step with him as well. Luckily the streets aren't too busy for this time of day and the three of them escape the city without incident. They walk for awhile in the serene countryside outside the city's walls and Roman takes in everything as this is his first time outside the border of his castle town.

He can't help the feeling of freedom that blossoms with every step he takes. He can't quite place it, but he just feels like he made the right choice, and everything can only get better from here. That is until they come to a swift stop a few hours later when Logan grabs Roman's arm and points out the figures in the trees. Roman's eyes narrow and he calls out in the most commanding voice he can muster, "Halt, spies! Reveal yourselves at once!"

The firgures in the trees move and then someone drops down from the nearest tree to them. He lands with grace and when he stands, his eyes lock with Roman's and the mere gaze steals the Prince's breath away. The most beautiful eyes he has ever seen, and he's seen them before. The boy from the night Roman tried to take a crystal from their village. A Dragonwitch stands before him, the first clue to finding his brother.

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