Chapter Three: The Mage

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Logan was always a studious child. Being the only son of the king's adviser, knowledge was something he was taught to seek above all else. Always be the smartest person in the room. It was a motto his father drilled into his head often. His father prided himself on the knowledge he had, so Logan aspires to surpass his father's intellect in all fields he can find.

Being half elf with the gifts of his mother, Logan's magic is one thing he has that his father James doesn't. Learning his magic is the highest priority as his powers are connected to his emotions. He learned that fact a long time ago, when his emotions got the better of him and his magic went haywire causing people to get hurt. His mother ensured that no one realized Logan was the source of it, and she gave her life for it.

So now only his father knows of his magic, it's better for everyone this way. After his mother died, Logan became closed off emotionally. Most assumed it was due to his grief, and that was partly correct. The main reason was to ensure that the beautiful ice magic he and his mother shared wouldn't become something deadly again. The only problem with keeping his magic a secret, was that his father wasn't actually the only one who knew about it.

"Heya, specs."

Logan sighs at the young prince's voice, setting down the book he had been studying. Adjusting his glasses, Logan turns to see Roman smiling at him as he leans against the doorway of the castle's library. Prince Roman was the only other person who knew of Logan's powers, since they grew up in the castle together.

"Can I help you, Your Highness? I'm rather busy right now." Logan crosses his arms lightly.

Roman pouts, "What are you busy with? You're just reading."

"I am studying, Prince Roman. If I'm to become the adviser to the next king I have many things I must know." Logan explains.

"You want to be Thomas' advisor? You're barely older than I am!" Roman says.

"It is a family tradition, so my father says. Besides, there's no telling when Crown Prince Thomas will become king. Your father could live a long life, or he could be assassinated at any moment." Logan states.

"Hey! My father isn't going to get assassinated!" Roman scoffs, "Don't be rude."

"It is a high likelyhood actually," Logan looks thoughtful, "Many kings have met their ends in such a manner."

Roman pouts and Logan chuckles lightly, "Relax, Your Highness. I'm sure if anything was going to befall your father the Seer would have warned him by now."

Roman sighs, putting a hand to his chest, "Don't scare me like that!"

"My apologies," Logan shakes his head, "Was there something you needed or are you here simply to cure your boredom?"

Roman pouts, "Stop acting like me being your friend is an inconvenience."

Logan chuckles lightly, "Pouting is very unbecoming for a prince, you know."

The prince grins, "Yeah, I know. You wound me, Logan."

"What is it you needed?" Logan urges, "I am quite busy."

"Take a break," Roman says, "Come hang out with me. I'll even tell your father I dragged you out kicking and screaming if you like."

Logan shakes his head, he was used to such antics with Prince Roman as a friend. Roman looks proud of himself, putting his hands on his hips, "So, what do you say?"

"Fine, but only for a little while, I really cannot fall behind in my studies." Logan concedes.

Roman cheers and races out of the library. Logan sighs, shaking his head in amusement as he follows at a much less enthusiastic pace.

"You'll never guess what I did last night." Roman grins mischievously as Logan catches up to him. Logan responds with an eyebrow raise so Roman continues, lowering his voice as servants pass them in the hall, "I went to Mandrake Hill and I saw the dragonwitches."

Logan's eyes widen lightly and he stops walking, "You did what? Prince Roman, you know that is forbidden!"

"Lower your voice!" Roman hushes him, "I'm not trying to get caught here."

Logan frowns, "Are you insane? The dragonwitches are dangerous."

"I know, I know," Roman rolls his eyes, "But look, I didn't even get hurt! I couldn't bring anything back cause they caught me, but I'm fine! And they didn't even try to follow me back or anything."

"They caught you?" Logan scoffs, "You couldn't bring anything back? What were you doing?"

It's taking a lot of willpower to keep his annoyance in check. Roman scoffs, "I'm not stupid, I was careful."

"Why did you even go there?" Logan frowns.

"I was trying to get one of their nature gifts to prove to father that I am just as strong and capable as Thomas." Roman sighs, crossing his arms, "I couldn't do it though. I saw these pretty glowy crystals and I tried to take one but one of those dastardly dragonwitches spotted me. Demanded I leave or I get set on fire, so I ran away."

"You should have never been there to begin with." Logan groans softly, "You could have been killed, Your Highness. Then what would that prove?"

"I didn't come to you for a lecture." Roman almost glares.

"My apologies." Logan clears his throat and looks away, flexing his fingers lightly to get rid of the stiffness he feels as he calms his emotions and with them, his powers. A frosty mist falling from his hands. Roman notices this and his eyes widen lightly, "Sorry.. You okay?"

Logan nods, crossing his arms again, "I am fine. Come, let's entertain you for a moment."

He hurries down the hall in a brisk walk, forcing Roman to chase after him this time. Logan is a little worried about Roman, how did he even know that the dragonwitches have gifts of nature? It's not something that's openly spoken of, or perhaps Logan is mistaken about that. Either way, Roman acting so reckless is in no one's best interest. He's not the young prince's keeper, but as his friend, he can't help but worry that Roman will get himself into some big trouble all too soon.

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