Chapter Four: The Twin

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Remus pounced on Virgil's sleeping form, grinning widely, "Boo! Gotcha! Now you're dead!"

Virgil groans, shoving Remus to the floor, "Get off me, wombat."

Remus cackles, sitting up, "You're awake now so now I get to bug you!"

"You woke me up so I'm going back to sleep." Virgil rolls his eyes.

"Boo, don't be boring." Remus pouts, crossing his arms, "You're the only one that's fun."

Virgil smirks lightly, "Is that right?"

Remus nods, leaning his elbow on his knee and his chin in his palm, "Well, duh."

Virgil rolls back over in his bed to face Remus, "Give me one good reason why I should get up?"

"I pranked the Cheiftain and we should run." Remus grins.

Virgil's eyes widen and he sits up, "Seriously? Father's gonna kill you! What did you do?!"

Remus laughs and stands, "Come on, I'll tell you all about it. I'm thinking he'll fall into the prank in just a few minutes! Exciting!"

Virgil shakes his head and gets out of bed, "If you get me in trouble, I'm telling Father it was all you."

Remus giggles and gestures for Virgil to follow as he races out of the hut. Virgil sighs and shakes his head, rubbing his sleepy eyes as he follows his reluctant friend. Remus was quite the prankster, everyone in the tribe had been pranked by him at one time or another, and while it was clear he annoyed them, they still seemed to find it endearing somehow. Virgil honestly doesn't like Remus very much, but he's slowly warming up to the eccentric wombat of a person since they spend almost every day together.

He follows Remus out into the glen where quite a few of the tribe are lounging, some in human form others in dragon form. Virgil is so jealous as he looks at the dragons, he hasn't been able to achieve his dragon form yet. Remus hasn't achieved his dragon form yet, either, but unbeknownst to them that's only because he's not a dragonwitch at all. The only people who know who and what Remus really is are the elders of the tribe and Virgil's parents.

The Chieftain put a glamour over Remus as a baby to give him a dragonwitch's appearance to anyone who looked at him, scales adorning his face and the eyes of magic. Remus can't use any magic at all however, and he's constantly told he's simply a late bloomer in order to keep him from asking too many questions. Having no magic doesn't seem to bother him much, as he's quite good at finding the strangest things to entertain himself with.


Remus giggles and turns back towards Virgil's family hut. A tall, muscular man with black scales and purple eyes much akin to Virgil's stomps up to them, clearly unhappy, his long dark hair is soaked. Virgil avoids his father's gaze and Remus grins, "G'morning, Chieftain."

"Am I correct to assume you are the reason behind what happened this morning?" The chieftain asks.

Remus shrugs, asking innocently, "What happened?"

The man's eyes narrow, "Remus, I know it was you. Talyn sold you out."

Virgil frowns, looking at Remus, "You got Talyn involved in this?"

"They wanted to!" Remus pouts, "It's not like I forced them to help or anything!"

Virgil rolls his eyes. Remus' friendship with his sibling always ends in trouble nowadays. Remus laughs, "Sorry, Chieftain, it was fun! What's my punishment this time?"

"You and Talyn are going to clean the elders' huts, every last one, am I clear?" The chieftain crosses his arms.

Remus nods, grinning at Virgil, "Sorry, Virg, we'll have to hang out later."

Virgil waves him off, "Don't get me involved in your nonsense."

Remus puts an arm around Virgil, "Aw, c'mon, you know you love me."

"As if." Virgil scoffs lightly

Talyn walks over, holding a bucket full of water in each hand. They hand one to Remus, "Quit trying to hug my brother to death and help me do chores."

Remus takes the bucket and the Chieftain walks away. Remus waves at Virgil as he follows Talyn towards the elders' huts. Remus grins, "So worth it. Hilarious."

Talyn grins back, "Oh yeah."


"Watch this, watch this!" Talyn laughs, the crystal around their neck glowing a deep blue as they swirl their hands around one another, the same colored magic building into a ball between them. Remus watches with wide eyes, smiling brightly, "That's so awesome!"

Talyn grins and throws their hands up, shooting the magic into the air where it explodes into tiny fire balls raining down harmlessly over them. Remus claps excitedly, magic always fascinates him, especially since he can't do any of his own, "That's cool shit, Tal! Man, I can't wait for my magic to come in!"

Talyn smiles and sits next to him, "I'm sure you'll have the coolest magic when it comes in. And then you can show me everything you can do."

Remus nods, smiling wistfully, "Gonna be epic, gonna cause so much chaos. Gonna be a good time."

Talyn giggles, "You're crazy, Re. And that's why you're the best."

"Damn right!" Remus laughs, "I'm the coolest dragonwitch there ever was! I'm a chaotic genius just waiting to stir shit up!"

"Hey, genius," Virgil lightly kicks Remus in the back, "Finish your chores yet?"

"Finished them hours ago, V." Remus leans back on Virgil's foot until Virgil has to support his weight. He then cackles when Virgil jumps back and let's Remus fall. Virgil smirks, "Dork."

"No, you're a whale penis!" Remus points up at Virgil with a wide grin.

Virgil raises an eyebrow, "What?"

Talyn laughs, covering their face with their hand, "Remus recently learned dork means whale penis."

Virgil scrunches up his nose, "Alright. That word's going in the trash then."

Remus laughs, "Yes! Another word I've forced Virgil to never use again!"

"Is that a game to you or something?" Virgil sighs.

"Only one of my favorites. Wanna know why you should hate the word juicy?" Remus sits up, smiling innocently with mischief in his eyes. Virgil rolls his eyes, "No thanks."

"Poopy." Remus pouts then grins again, "Anywhosies, whatcha doing here for?"

"Feast is done." Virgil says, "Zaphrina told me to come get you guys."

Zaphrina is one of the elders, and also the one who takes care of Remus.

"Shit yeah!" Remus cheers, jumping up, "Grub time!"

Talyn laughs and stands as well, "Thanks for the heads up. Last thing I want is to get to dinner after the warriors do."

Virgil smirks, "Yeah, I know. Nothing but skin and bones left."

They share a laugh and the three teens head back to the center of the village to enjoy the feast prepared for everyone.

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