Chapter 12

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Alex is walking through the forest, leaving Diane and Elizabeth off to have some 'girl time', in her black cloak, covering up all of her. She makes it to the big rock, where the fighting will take place.

"First up is the elimination round! The referee will be yours truly, Love Helm! The rules in this round are extremely simple, knock your opponents out of this ring! Throw them out, okay! Push them out, okay! Or send them flying, also okay! As long as it's barehanded. The eight contestants still standing will move on to the finals! Now then, let the brawling begin!" Alex listens with her hood covering her eyes, she has been cut off her and Meliodas's bond a little. Not enough to make him think she was dead, but just enough to not sense her. She sits back as the fighting begins, letting everyone else do the dirty work and throwing each other out. Before she spots a familiar head of blonde hair and decides to mess with him.

"Nonsense! Do I really look like I'm having a good time?" Meliodas says replying to King's earlier question

Alex bumps into his shoulder, her hood still covering half of her face. She also distorts her voice a little

"You're handsome... I hear you're not having a good time?" She leans into him a little so she can whisper "I can make it better, how bout it? Me and you? We can ditch-" he side steps

"Beat it, kid, I'm married. Anyways King, listen to me if we get-" Alex walks off with a smirk before seeing another woman in a cloak kicking ass

"Talk about as fast as lightning! This girl just knocked 10 guys out of the ring all at once!" Love Helm screams  "Let's take a look at who's left in the ring"

"We got 8 people in there" the spectators call out

'Poor King, he got knocked out' Alex thinks to herself

"Let the 8 finalists head to the waiting area to decide the matches!"

"Come on up and draw your lots! First contenders will be the people who draw the same letter" Love Helm tells them

"This sucks, I wish they'd hurry up and go to the finals," Ban says

"Don't talk like that and get knocked out before the end!" Meliodas replies

"That is not going to happen"

"Okay, folks I'm announcing the fight cards. The first pairing is Griamore vs. Matrona! The second pairing is Howzer vs. Taizoo! The third pairing is Cain vs. Kaiya! And the final pairing is Meliodaf vs. Baaaan!" Love Helm screams once again

Alex is walking around the goddess realm before she hears her name being called

"Psst Alex!" Alex turns around to see a white-haired goddess behind a bush

"Kaiya! What are you doing there!" She rushes over to help the girl out

"I was waiting until after your talk with your mother so we could roam for a bit!" Kaiya tells her before taking off, spreading her wings

"Kaiya, wait up!"

Kaiya and Alex are sitting beneath a tree eating, while Alex is ranting

"She's just so ugh, she doesn't understand that the other races are good! We're the only bad ones here!" Alex tells her with her posture completely stiff, a face with no emotion, a hand running down her face, and raising her voice just slightly

"You wanna know something?" Kaiya cuts her off


"I have a way to get down to where the humans are... a way without plummeting"

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