The Encounter

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(I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. I'm kind of gaining ideas, so that's good! Also, I remember a person suggesting that David should look like Jake Gyllenhaal and a couple of other people agreed. I lowkey started imagining it and now all I see is Mr. Gyllenhaal as David LMAO! Would any of you be up to that idea or keep David the way he is? Also, the image above is what your living room looks like. Maybe sometime in the future, I will actually draw the layout of how I pictured it. We'll see! Anyway, back to the story.)

You heard Gordon's knocks at the door. You were hesitant, but you got up to let him in. Opening the door, you were met with the blonde's warm smile.

"Hey, darling," his voice so tender.

"Hi, Gordon," you replied and led him in.

The chef closed the door behind him and met you at the couch, sitting on the cozy cushion. On the other hand, you were struggling with getting comfortable, not sure how to feel about him being there. Shuffling in your seat to find any sort of comfort. I invited him, why am I complaining?

"So, what's wrong?"

Your (E/C) eyes scanned his expression; of course, it matched worry. 

You were brought back to David's words about Gordon trying to pursue you. Was it all true? Yeah, you both kissed at the club, but at the same time you were both drunk. It could've been anything. His generosity was another thing—it could be genuine kindness to a friend. Though, who kisses a friend? And all you've learned from your years is that drunk actions or words were sober intentions. Other concerns began to rise in your thoughts, but you quickly swept them under the rug.

"... David and I got into an argument earlier today."

Gordon was immediately intrigued as his entire body turned towards you. Both eyes and ears were on you. 

"Really? What happened?" 

Tell him what David told you. Tell him what David told—

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry."

"No, no! You're completely fine," you assured him and continued, "apparently, he's interested in me. He was getting jealous of a friend of mine. He told me that my friend was getting in the way of what we could have."

There was hesitation in Gordon before he spoke up.

"Oh, wow. How are you feeling about that?"

"Conflicted, honestly. Also, the most infuriating thing he brought up was—"

You quickly sealed your mouth into a tight line, realizing you haven't brought up your past relationship to Gordon. The chef's brows have furrowed, and you sighed as you went on, "he brought up my abusive ex-boyfriend. He said it was an excuse to hide his feelings for me."

Gordon was beyond astounded.

Gordon's P.O.V

I can't believe David would do that. Who brings up their interest's ex? Let alone an abusive one. It honestly strikes me that he would pull such a prick move on (Y/N). 

"That's unbelievable. I'm sorry about that, (Y/N). I never thought David would ever do such a thing."

That's a lie, I know David is trying to get with him.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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