At The Nightclub

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(I need to update more often)

You burst through the doors, being the first to enter before David and Gordon. Immediately, loud music filled your ears and the first thing you saw was the dance floor. People were dancing and enjoying their time. This was what you needed. All the stress and anxiety just pooled out of your being. You looked next to the dance floor and saw the bar where many people sat and enjoyed their drinks.

"Let's get a drink first?", You suggested.

They didn't mind and you three wandered to the bar. You sat on an empty seat between two others that weren't taken either. David sat next to you as well as Gordon who sat to the other side of you. Catching the bartender's attention, you ordered your drink first.

"I'll have a margarita", You said and the other two chimed in with their drink orders.

The bartender nodded his head, taking their orders as he began to make the drinks. You watched the older scruffy man pouring liquor into individual glasses and such. A large sigh left your mouth as your elbows were placed on the table, your hands were fiddling with eachother. You felt a soft touch on your shoulder and you look to your right, blue eyes bore into your (E/C) orbs.

"Are you alright?", The accent made your heart melt.

The furrow of his eyebrows and the purse of his lips had worry written all over it. You hesitantly leaned into his touch, his firm grasp on your shoulder was captivating and the pressure was comfortable. It gave you the sense of content and you felt free from tension as the bartender carefully handed your glass to you. Pulling away from his hand, though you didn't want to, you took a sip of the drink before responding to Gordon.

"I'm just tired.. but I'm so glad you took me here", A smile blossomed on your face as you looked to your other side to David who was staring back. "and I'm so thankful you're here."

David nodded his head as a grin formed on his lips, scooting his seat a bit closer to yours as he grabbed his drink whilst Gordon grabbed his. Gordon shuffled in his seat to move his body towards you, his full attention on you now as he wanted to get to know more about you.

"Soo, (Y/N).. How old are you?"

"34.. well, 35 now", You replied as Gordon awed.

The blonde smiled as he showed his full interest in you, his elbow rested on the table as his chin settled in the palm of his hand.

"You look good for a 35 year old.. seems like you haven't passed a day over 25", His compliment made your cheeks heat up.

You chuckled lightly as you took another swig of your margarita, "Thank you, Gordon."

David cleared his throat as he accidentally nudged your elbow which resulted in your glass spilling over the Chef's outfit. You gasped, quickly putting down the glass as your hands scurried for a cloth that was nearby. Pressing the dry cloth against Gordon's margarita soaked button up, words began to spill out of your mouth.

"Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry! I d-didn't mean to-", Your words stumbled over eachother.

You tried to get as much of the juice off of his shirt as his hands were raised in the air, looking below as he watched your frantic hands clean the mess. His blue eyes glanced up to see David who seemed delighted, but briskly changed to a surprised expression once the chef's eyes landed on him. Gordon scoffed before he looked back down at you, seeing that you were trying your best.

Yes, Chef (Gordon Ramsay x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now