First Day

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(It's 1 am, I'm cold and in the mood to type up a chapter)

You heard your alarm go off as you felt the suns warm rays from the window laid upon your skin. You groaned slightly, opening your eyes as you noticed the bright big ass light in the sky shining through your blinds. Funny, usually the sun isn't up at this time.. You looked over at your alarm clock that was still going off.

8:00 am!?

You were supposed to be up two hours ago. Jumping out of bed and running out of your room, you ran into your bathroom to take a brisk shower since you didn't have enough time. It was an important day! Chef Ramsay is going to be there in an hour. A two minute shower, wow what a horrible way to start the day. At least you didn't smell like shit. You sprayed yourself with body spray, smeared yourself with lotion and fixed your hair before putting on your normal work attire. You smelled and looked great for a two minute shower. As you went to put on your socks and shoes, your phone went off. You puffed out your cheeks, grabbing your phone and answered it before putting it on your shoulder as you held it with your cheek.

"where the hell are you!?"

It was David.

You groaned and continued putting on your shoes, leaning down to tie them as neatly as you can.

"I am so sorry! I didn't hear my first alarm go off"

"Jesus, (Y/N). You're lucky I came in early today. Chef Ramsay is going to be here in 20 minutes!", He exclaimed.

"what!? 20 minutes!? I thought he was supposed to be there in an hour", You questioned hysterically as you stood up.

"The camera crew is already here and they told me. You better hurry!", David said before hanging up.

You stood in shock, scoffing at him hanging up on you. You stuffed your phone into your pants pocket before grabbing your keys and heading out the front door.

"shit shit shit shit shit!", You murmured to yourself.

You got into your car and started the engine, quickly leaving the parking space and onto the road to the restaurant.


You finally made it to the place and made sure everything was spick and span like it has always been when you guys open up the restaurant. You did your normal routine, but a little extra; checking, cleaning, checking, scrubbing, checking, scrubbing again. You finally finished cleaning and prepped the tables with the essential utensils for a meal. After finishing everything, you walked over to the cash register and leaned against the counter, waving yourself with the cloth that was in hand.

Why is it so damn hot?

"David! Why is it so ho-"

"He's here!", Your co-worker said as she looked outside.

You followed her gaze and your eyes were wide. Gordon Ramsay is here.

"Clarisse! Go greet the man!", David said as he finally came out of the kitchen.

She nodded her head and hurried over to the door, getting ready to seat the gentleman. Your heart was racing as he was feet away from the entrance. You felt hands grab your shoulders and turn you around. You were met with David who had a worrisome smile on his face.

Yes, Chef (Gordon Ramsay x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now