The Next Day

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(Starting a new chapter, hope you enjoy
Also! The picture above is what David looks like :))

You heard your alarm go off as you slowly woke up. David let you sleep in for an hour and it was 7 am. Yawning loudly, you stretched out your entire body before relaxing there for a few minutes, debating if you should just stay home. You heard a ding from your phone and you looked over to your nightstand, looking at your phone. You lazily reached over and grabbed it, pulling it closely to your face as you read a message from Gordon. 'Good morning, darling. I'm at the restaurant and I've been inspecting it. It's revolting and Jackie needs to get his shit together." You groaned slightly, knowing what he was talking about. You sat up and swung your legs over the edge of the bed, your feet met the softness of the carpet. Standing up, you walked over to your closet and searched for your work clothes.. They weren't there. You realized you left it at the restaurant and you groaned louder from frustration. You heard another ding and looked down at your phone, reading another text from Gordon. 'By the way, you left your work clothes here in the bathroom.' You screamed internally, your cheeks heating up from embarrassment as you messaged him back.

'Morning, Gordon. I'm terribly sorry about that, I'll be right over.'

You just rushed a bit, taking a nice shower before putting on clothes you usually wear. You grabbed your keys and phone before briskly exiting your apartment to your car.


You entered the restaurant and heard rustling in the kitchen. No one else was here, probably just you, Gordon, and the camera crew. You rounded the cash register counter and to the back of the kitchen. You saw the camera crew, but it didn't seem like they were filming. You heard someone gagging and your eyes widened as you saw Gordon throwing up in the trash can near the storage where they kept all the frozen shit. You bolted to his side and all you could feel was guilt. You hesitantly reached over and rubbed his back, not knowing what to do.

"Chef, I'm so sorry", You said in an apologetic tone.

He slowly stopped and you just heard him cussing under his breath. You grabbed a cloth and soaked it in cold water before ringing it out. You rushed to his side as you heard him gagging again. You gave him the cloth and watched him with worried eyes.

"Chef, please put this over your mouth and just breathe in and out..", You instructed him.

This technique was given to you by your grandma every time you had the stomach flu when you were younger and it has always helped. Gordon did so, taking deep breaths in and out of his mouth into the cool cloth as he seemed more calm.

"Thank you, darling", He said quietly, pulling the cloth away from his mouth.

You gently patted his back as you looked at the camera crew, seeing that they've been staring, almost in shock. You just eyed them, raising a brow before looking back at Gordon. He gave the crew a harsh look and they went back to what they were doing.

"Your clothes are in the bathroom, I think you should change before cameras are up and running again", He stated as you looked back at him.

You nodded your head and walked to the back room into the bathroom. You looked over to the sinks counter and noticed some clothes that were folded. You raised your brow, as they didn't look like the work attire you usually wore. You shrugged it off and put them on quickly: a maroon button up with a tag with your name on it, and black slacks. It fits you pretty well and it was nice; you felt confident and the colors really complimented you. You folded your clothes and exited the bathroom, settling them on a chair so you don't forget them. You heard someone whistle and you turned around, noticing Gordon. You sighed in relief as you looked down at your outfit, smiling as you looked at him.

Yes, Chef (Gordon Ramsay x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now