At The Apartment

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(eyyy, It's almost midnight lmao)

You both arrived at your apartment and he parked in the empty parking space that was yours. He hummed and pulled the keys out so that the engine would stop running. You looked up the stairs and you honestly couldn't wait to be inside. You managed to unbuckle yourself and got out of the car. Gordon came out as well and locked his car before you both headed up the stairs. He followed you to your door and you pulled out your keys, unlocked it and swung it open. You felt the cool breeze again and sighed deeply in satisfaction as you walked in.

"Nice place", Gordon complimented.

You thanked him and walked over to your room, removing the big bag of ice since you felt a lot better. You heard someone behind you and you turned around, seeing Gordon.

"(Y/N)- no. Put the ice back on your arm, darling", He demanded.

"I have a smaller bag of ice in the freezer and it has a wrap so I don't have to hold it", You responded and threw the bag of ice on your bed.

He just sighed and shook his head, a smile formed on your face before walking around him to exit your room. You walked into the kitchen and opened up your freezer, grabbing the small little ice pack and settled it on your bruise.

"Darling, please put a cloth around it", Gordon said as he walked over to you.

He grabbed a small cloth that was hanging by the stove and wrapped it around the ice pack. He then grabs the little straps that were attached to the pack and secured it around your arm, preventing it from moving away from your bruise. You quickly realized how close he was and your breath hitched quietly at his scent. It was an amazing scent and yet again, you wanted to bathe in his cologne. His skin was perfect and you didn't mind the wrinkles he developed from stress. He's an absolutely attractive guy. You literally didn't understand people that thought he isn't.

"Are you okay?"

Shit shit shit shit

You were caught staring and your face flushed as your gaze finally met his blue eyes that have been staring at you for quite awhile.

"I-I'm sorry, I spaced out", You stammered and looked down at your arm.

You gave a slight smile at the work he's done; the straps were pretty secured and it wasn't moving. You looked up at him.

"Thank you, Gordon"

He beamed and nodded his head.

Almost right away, he started looking through your whole kitchen. The cupboards, drawers, pantry, fridge, etc. He covered every inch in your kitchen.

"Wow, I've never seen a kitchen so clean and organized.. besides mine", He said.

You chuckled lightly and leaned back against the counter, your arms behind you to support you.

"Unlike other careless chefs, I care about my surroundings in the kitchen"

He closed the freezer and looked back at you.

"You sure do", He replied.

You didn't want to have silence so you just got right to it and started pulling ingredients out to cook him something. You decided to make a crab benedict; the Gordon Ramsay way. Gordon watched carefully and you started the water to poach the egg. You looked over at him and noticed that he's watching your every move like a hawk. You just smiled sheepishly and he kept a stern look.

Yes, Chef (Gordon Ramsay x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now