!Happy Thanksgiving! ONESHOT

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(Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I just want to apologize for not updating in forever; I've been busy and because of an unexpected issue, I am unable to update a lot, BUT I will try my best! I am just going to make a quick cute Thanksgiving oneshot while you guys wait for the next chapter to be updated. THIS ONESHOT IS NOT PART OF THE STORY WHATSOEVER, JUST A SMALL STORY FOR Y'ALL WHILE Y'ALL WAIT FOR AN ACTUAL CHAPTER. Enjoy!
***Warning: fluffy smut?***)

"Ow fuck!"

You had burnt your hand from trying to grab the turkey from the oven. You facepalmed your foolish self for not grabbing oven mittens and walked over to the sink, turning the faucet on to cold water.

"Darling, are you alright?"

You turned your head to look back at Gordon; his eyes furrowed in worry as he rushed to your side. You looked down at your hand and sighed gently, feeling the cold running water cool down your hot wound.

"I forgot to put on the oven mitts.. I burned myself", You mumbled miserably to yourself as you winced a little.

Gordon gently grabbed your hand whilst he gave a little frown. His thumb lightly ran across the wound as he settled it under the running water. You watched as red dusted across your cheeks from embarrassment for making the simplest mistake, and due to Gordon being so close to you.

"Please be careful", Gordon muttered as a shiver ran down your spine.

You nodded in response, pulling your hand away as your hand felt better - sort of. Gordon grabbed an ice pack from the fridge before wrapping a towel around it and handed it to you. You thanked him quietly as you pressed the cold pack against the burnt wound. Gordon grabbed the turkey out for you and settled it on top of the stove to cool as he turned off the oven. You sat at the table and Gordon joined, pulling a seat closer to you as he sat comfortably.

"When is your family arriving?", Questioned Gordon as he firmly grasped your other hand that wasn't hurt.

"At 6", You replied as you lifted your hand, looking at the watch on your wrist that read 4 o'clock.

Gordon just hummed and lightly ran his thumbs over the palm of your hand. The gentle touching had heat running to your cheeks; your eyes adverting from the chef. Gordon rose a brow, seeing your obvious reaction and he smirked.

"Suppose we do something while we wait for them?", Gordon says as he scooted closer to you.

You felt his breath hitting your neck and you looked at him, his blue orbs stared into your (E/C) ones. You just chuckled it off, trying to change the mood, but once Gordon is in the mood - he is in the mood. His mouth latched onto your sensitive neck, making you gasp and your hand pressed against his broad chest.


His hands grabbed your hips before he pulled you onto his lap. You squirmed and your face grew hot, your wounded hand was pressed against his chest too.

"Gordon- please", You panted gently as he lightly nipped at your neck.

You couldn't keep in your moans as your hand grasped his shirt, trying to stop the man, but he wasn't budging.

"(Y/N), you smell amazing", He mumbled as he laid butterfly kisses against your soft skin.

You giggled a bit as you closed your eyes, feeling his lips smother your neck.

"Okay, that's enou-", You were interrupted as he lifted you up, causing you to yelp.

He walked towards your bedroom as he connected his lips with yours, causing you to giggle even more. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he laid you on the bed; he crawled on and hovered above you, his eyes scanned your entire being that laid upon the soft mattress.

"You're so handsome", Gordon purred as he leaned down with a sly smile, his lips once again pressing against your neck.

"The food- Gordon!", You wiggled under his touch.

The chef ignored you as he let his lips and hands run all over you. You finally gave in as his hands slid up and down your sides, causing you to chortle whilst his kisses trailed from your neck, across your jawline, and to your lips. Your hands cupped his cheeks as his held your waist. He finally unlocked lips and stared lovingly into your eyes.

"... I am so thankful to have you", He said quietly and one if his hands moved to touch your cheek.

You leaned against his touch; a sweet smile plastered on your face as you responded likewise, "I am thankful to have you too..."

Suddenly, a burning smell filled your nostrils and your eyes went wide in alarm. You quickly sat up which caused Gordon to sit up also with a questionable look.

"... THE GRAVY!", You shouted and Gordon realized the smell.

He quickly dashed out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving you to hurry off the bed to join him. You walked in and you stood in the doorway, seeing him throwing a saucepan into the sink.

"God damnit..."

You approached him gingerly and leaned your head against his shoulder, looking at the devastating saucepan that was covered in burnt gravy.

"Well... We could always buy gravy"

"You've got to be kidding me", He looked at you with a small glare.

You laughed briskly and settled your hands on his shoulders before turning him to face you. His arms wrapped around your waist as yours were already around his neck.

"It's fine, I'll just ask my mom to make some before she gets here.. It wouldn't be any trouble. Plus, she already feels bad that you're cooking everything"

Gordon sighed slightly as a small smile bloomed.

"Alright...", He said.

The chef just stood there, holding you lovingly and you nuzzled into his chest.

(I hope you guys enjoyed that small little thing. It honestly isn't my best work and I would put a little more effort into it, but i'd rather use it on an actual chapter. Happy LATE Thanksgiving everyone! It's currently 2 am lmao.
ALSO, the little fluff smut is going to happen soon in the story and there might be a full on smut somewhere ;) just be patient lmao. Okay, cya! <3)

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