Fear the Blondes and Get Claimed While Your At It

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Fear the Blondes and Get Claimed While Your At It

I was a demigod. 

I lived in a world of monsters. 

My father/mother was a god or goddess. 

I am ready to pass out.

I drop to my knees, still trying to process everything. I went over it again and again until it finally soaked in. 

"Does this mean I have to fight monsters?" I ask Percy and Phaedra. Grover has gone off to somewhere else. 

"Well, if you want to survive, then yes," Percy told me. "Let's take you to Chiron."

I was in no condition to walk, but I did it anyways. Percy and Phaedra helped me walk over to someplace called the "Big House." Phaedra opens the door and they lead me inside to a couch. I'm almost back to myself when the man in the wheelchair named Mr. Brunner came in. 

"Chiron, Fauna needs to rest a bit. Is it okay if she rests here? He takes a look at Fauna and gives him a swift nod, then he was gone. Then it was an awkward silence. 

"Who's my godish godly parent?"  

"Probably Poseidon," Percy answers. "Most Poseidon children have black hair and sea green eyes-from what I learned from Chiron. You have the black hair, but your eyes aren't sea green. They seem to be every color." I sit in silence for a while. 

"Is my mother Sally?" I ask. Percy looks out a window, where a girl with blonde curly hair duels with a giant brute. The giant may have the size and strength, but the girl is fast and clever. She takes him down easily. 

"No. Sally is my mom and Phaedra's. My mom said she found you just outside of her apartment, when I was a year old. She took you in and started to raise you as her own, but-" 

"Then you disappeared!" Phaedra put in. 

"Yeah, you disappeared, and we never saw you until now." It's silence once again. 

"Who's that girl out there?" I ask Percy. He shrugs his shoulders. 

"Annabeth Chase." 

"Grover told me that she saved Percy's and his butt a bazillion times!" Phaedra says. Percy's face turns red from embarrassment. 

"Phaedra! It wasn't a bazillion times! Only once or twice . . . maybe more . . ." I giggle at Percy. 

"Annabeth doesn't seem so scary." 

"Well, then you are very wrong," the blonde, Annabeth, says. 

"Sorry, but you just don't seem to scary." 

"Why? Is it because of the blonde hair?" Annabeth asks me, her eyes a stormy gray. 

"No. Why would anyone think your stupid just because of a hair color? I just don't think you look that scary." Her eyes soften. Percy pulls her aside and mumbles a few words to her. She nods her head. She turns back to me. 

"Sorry about that. I just thought you weren't scared of me because I was a blonde. Some people have the curse of stupidity, who are blondes, which doesn't give them a real scary look." 

"No! I've never ever thought of blonde people being stupid or not scary! It's just that you aren't that scary looking!" 

"Like Percy!" Phaedra says, playing with her hair. Annabeth smiles at her. 

"Your pretty smart. Are you sure you aren't a daughter of Athena? Then again, anyone could be scarier AND smarter than Percy." 

"Hey! I'm right here!" Percy yells. I chuckle at their little fight. 

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