We Meet the Ugly Stepsisters

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We Meet the Ugly Stepsisters

Danny and I agreed that we would go by land, considering the fact that Zeus would blast us straight to the Underworld if we went by air. Why did he have to hate me in his territory so much?

We got into the camp van and we set off, Argus driving. I had no idea what we were going to do, so I decided to shoot marbles at random signs. Occasionally, I would miss the sign an hit a pedestrian in the head or eye, and I would scream "SORRY!" and duck my head in. Things were going fine until a hellhound rammed into us.

Luckily, we weren't in the city. When the hellhound ran into us, I flew into the side of the van. Danny was at the back doors, and Argus was no where to be seen. The van took another blow, knocking my head against the side. I scrambled around until I found my pack and put it on. Danny groaned, still down. I forced the doors open to get a searing pain in my arm. I yelped and git whatever it was. Once my fist made contact, I heard a dog yelp. I tapped my ring, ready to fight. Out sprung a glowing bow, and a quiver with arrows sprung onto my back.

There stood a seven foot tall hellhound, growling at my. I notched an arrow and aimed it at the hellhound. Danny started to get up and saw the hellhound. He pulled out his bow and arrows too.

The hellhound snarled at our weapons and howled. A jeep passed by us, the mortals not even glancing over at us. I let my arrow fly and it hit it straight in the forehead, making the hellhound look more like a hellhound mixed with a unicorn. It started to disintegrate to dust, but Danny and I just shot another round of arrows. Once it was gone, we gather the arrows and I tapped my bow, and it turned back into a ring.

"I didn't know you shot so well," Danny said.

"Neither did I. To be honest, I don't think I was even controlling myself at that moment."

"Well, you did a pretty good job," he says, smiling at me. He seemed about a year older than me, maybe two. He was about half a foot taller than me.

"Come on, Danny. We gotta get going. I bet that howl was a warning to his friends."Danny and I set off on foot, us both playing twenty-one questions.

"Birthday?" I ask him.

"July 4th. Your favorite thing to do?"

"Shoot marbles at random people. Your favorite movie?"

"Clash of the Titans. Most awesome person in the world, and no saying yourself."


"It isn't me? Who's this Leo?"

"This Leo is a childhood friend, and I hate his guts. Still, he was pretty awesome. Favorite goddess?"

"You." He smile at me in a flirtatious way. I roll my eyes at him and hit him in the gut playfully.

"I'm serious. Who is your favorite goddess?"

"Probably Athena."

"Ditto. Hey, do you have any idea where we are?" I ask, looking around. We're in the middle of nowhere.

"No idea. Let's make camp here, because you look terrible. Plus, it's getting pretty dark."

"Hey, Danny?"


"Shut up." We set our little camp away from the road, and Danny starts a little fire. He scoots his sleeping bag next to mine. Together, we stare into the fire.

"Well, this is fun," I say. Danny rolls over to look at me better. I peek at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Fauna," he says. "Sorry about before. It just seems like you don't know how beautiful you really are."

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