Blaze and Winter

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Blaze and Winter

"Why aren't you two at Camp?" he asked.

"We're on a quest, dummy," I said, tending to Danny's wounds.

"So are we," says the boy named Bobby. "I don't remember these two from Camp, Jason. Anyways, we're the only ones who have gotten a quest in month, unless they've been on this quest for over a month."

"No, we've only been on this quest for like, three days. Hey, Danny? Where are we? I don't have a clue to where we're at."

"I don't know, but we need to talk." Danny took me back into the cave. "Fauna, where's Agathe?"

My eyes widened, and I realized that the monster dust was Agathe. "They disintegrated her!" I whispered to him. "What if she doesn't come back, for like, a century?" Danny's face was grave.

"Just calm down. We'll figure it out later," he said, bringing me in for a hug.

"If you wanted me to figure it out later, you should have told me later! I'm takin' them down right now, Fauna Style," I said, marching outside the cave, but he just pulled me back. "Hey! Let me go! They messed with the wrong demigod!"

"Fauna, they didn't know that Agathe was friendly!" I stopped resisting at that. I guess that they didn't know . . .

"Fine. Let's go and chat with our new friends."

I learned that Jason was my age, in fact. He told me about Camp Jupiter, and his friends there. I told him about Camp Half-Blood, but we didn't say where the camps were. He described Camp Jupiter, Lupa, and the Legions to me. I told him what Camp Half-Blood looked like, Chiron and Mr. D, and the cabins and stuff.

"So you're a daughter of Neptune?"

"It's Poseidon. And you're a son of Zeus-I mean, Jupiter. Why do you go by Roman terms?"

"Because I'm Roman."

"Well, I'm Greek. I have a brother and two sisters, but one is a spy for Kronos and the other is a monster." Jason's eyes widened when he realized that he slashed my sister to monster dust.

"Oh . . ." I laughed at his awkwardness.

"Don't worry. She'll reform eventually, but I would steer clear of her. She has the power to turn people to stone." Jason's face breaks out into a grin. He has a nice smile. I notice a little scar above his lip. "What's that scar from?" I ask him.

"Huh? Oh, I don't really know. Lupa told me that I had it when I was given to her."

"Cool. Hey, do you know where we can get a ride? We need to get to Olympia, Washington."

"We just came off some pegisi a few miles west. Go there, and you should be fine." Jason tells me.

"Cool. Hey, we should Iris message each other sometime. You seem pretty cool, and maybe Zeus wouldn't blast me out of the sky if I was hanging out with his son."

Jason didn't know what Iris messaging was, so I explained it to him. He agreed, and told me where to IM him. We said our goodbyes and set off in different directions, Danny and I going west, Jason and his friends going east.

Danny and I didn't see any pegasi, but we did hear them. We saw a giant dome, about a mile father than what Jason told us, and hear the clatter of hooves and pounding on the glass. We shared a glance and started towards the dome.

It seemed smaller from where we were standing. Way smaller. I couldn't see the top of the dome, and the building had a diameter that was easily over a thousand miles. There was a small lobby, filled with pictures of pegasi, unicorns, and horses., and one in a gold frame of a huge guy with three bodies and four wings, a two-headed dog next to him. There was one of those service bells, and Danny rang it a bit to loud for my taste.

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