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I was mentally making my will as I was falling out of the sky, my body feeling like a burnt marshmallow. I heard a scream nearby me, but it sounded like it was falling away from me. I opened my eyes with effort, and see water below me. A thousand feet, three hundred and thirty-three and a third yards, I think automatically. I look to my left and see the pegasi falling, Danny clinging onto his pegasus. Agathe was diving towards him in a desperate attempt to save him.

I did the only natural thing; screamed and prayed that Zeus wouldn't blast me out of the sky.

I felt myself fall into the water, feeling awakened. The burning feeling I felt earlier was beginning to disappear. I floated to the surface, looking around for my friends. They surfaced quickly, gasping for air. I was about to ask if they were okay, but my voice hitched. Danny unconscious, Agathe keeping his head above the water. A something golden glimmered in the water. Was is Blaze?

No, it couldn't be. I could hear Blaze above me. I could hear her. Winter was the golden dust.

"C-come on," I stuttered. "Let's bring Danny to shore. I don't want anyone else going down." I knew that probably wasn't the right thing to say, but I had to get serious. Once already, I lost my sister, but she can reform. Danny is like Agathe, he can't reform. I feel like reality just sucker-punched me in the face.

I try to create a current to help get us to shore, but I was still feeling shakey from the surprise of falling out of he sky. Blaze whinned, not knowing what to do now. "Just do whatever your want to do for now. girl. I'll give you a call if I need your help. Blaze's head gave me a quick nod before flying off.

I walked towards Danny and Agathe, who was tending to him. "Well, no broken bones. He was just winded, got a few bruises."

"From the water or the horse?" I asked her. She looked at me, and gave a small satisfied smirk.

"From me," she said. "He smacked me while we were falling, but I'm pretty sure he won't remember that. He's out cold."

"Well, let's stay put until he wakes up, I'll go fine us something to eat, considering how we lost our stuff," I told her. "I'll try to be back as soon as I can, but if I'm not back in an hour, come look for me. I don't have that great of a sense of direction."

"Then why are you going to find food? I can go. I mean, at lest I have a good sense of direction."

"Yeah, yeah, but I'm bored, so see you later Agathe!" I said, dashing through a small woods. Almost as soon as I started to run, I saw a building. It was bigger than the Big House, which was pretty big. Cars were parked here and there around the building. I walked towards where everyone else was going. 

I think my eyes almost popped out of my head. Two giant golden doors were propped open by some workers, letting the people inside, They looked like real gold. I mean, sure, they could of just painted them gold, but still . . .

When I reached the doors, I laid my hand on on of them. It was hard and solid. I put my ear on the door and knocked on it. A metallic jingle rang through my ear. "Miss," one of the workers said, "I can assure you that these are real solid gold doors." I nodded and walked inside, my jaw dropping. People were running around like crazy. A strange boy, maybe five or six years old, ran up to me, holding a small pouch. "Hello, lady," he chirped, "my papa gave me this pouch of shiny things, and told me to go and have fun, so here you go!" He took my hand and set the pouch into it. I was puzzled.

"But aren't these yours? I don't think your papa would like it is I took them." He nodded his head.

"Yeah, my papa wouldn't like it if you took them, but I'm giving them to you anyways. I don't like my papa that much." He frowned, looking down. I frowned with him.

"Why don't you like your papa?" I asked him.

"Because he always hits me, and makes me sleep outside." A tear slid down the side of his face. I just noticed how tired and beaten he looked. He had a little scar below his mouth, and his black hair looked greasy. He looked up and gave me a half-hearted smile. "I don't mind sleeping outside, though. I like the sound of outside."

I felt my heart warm. "What's your name?" I asked him. 

"It's Hayden."

"Well, Hayden, why doesn't you come with me? You could travel with me and my friends, if you like." Right after I said it, I regretted it. We couldn't take a little boy with us. It would be too dangerous for him, plus, it sounded crazy. We were absolute strangers.

Hayden frowned. "Go with you? But, can I really?" He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

I smiled down at him, ruffling his hair. "Sure you can." He started to smile a bit, but it was quickly washed away.

"No, no thank you." He said, starting to walk away from me.

"Why not? What's wrong?" I turned him so he was facing me, feeling a motherly side show up.

"Because, you might get hurt. There are always scary monster chasing after me. I only get away because I'm really fast." He hung his head low, sniffling.

I chuckled, tilting up his chin so he way looking at me. I had a feeling that this kid was a demigod like me. "Well, kiddo, you wouldn't have to worry, because I know a place where you could be safe, but that's your choice. I get chased by monster a lot too, you know." He stayed quiet for a long time, but that might of just been me. Slowly, he started to nod. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled with him.

I motioned for him to follow me outside. I started to call Blaze, and next thing I knew, she was carrying him off to Camp Half-Blood.

I felt myself smiling again, before realizing what time it was. I cursed at myself, knowing that I was gonna be in deep trouble with Agathe and Danny. I turned around and saw her coming out of the forest, dragging Danny. Crap.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now