I Get A Quest (By Somewhat Accident)

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I Get A Quest (By Somewhat Accident)

For the next few weeks, I've trained, eaten actual decent meals, and just gotten better (count out camp orientation, the bullying from Clarisse, and ignorance from Mr. D). The first week of training, I'm pretty sure that I spend most of my time running and hiding, mostly because of the Aphrodite cabin. I've visited each cabin, and when I visited the Hermes cabin, I'm pretty sure Travis and Connor were planning to send a camper flying across camp in a giant catapult. I guess it does count as transportation. They planned on blending it into the ground.

Visiting the Aphrodite cabin was a big mistake. Once they spotted me, they all gasped.

"Why is she such a mess? She needs a makeover!" one girl said.

"I agree!" said another. They continued to chat about wanting to give me a makeover, and Annabeth barely got me out. All they managed to clean me up and do my hair. Then Connor Stoll had the idea to take a photo of that. I got my revenge, with some help from his brother Travis. We had a girl from Demeter give him some mayo-filled doughnuts. It was pretty funny to see the look on his face.

Today, Percy and I went to archery. Percy totally sucks at it. I'm not saying that I don't suck at it, I'm just saying that Percy sucks at it more. I at least hit the target board, and DIDN'T hit a camper. Percy's just lucky that Ares kid didn't pulverize him...yet.

I walk around in the strawberry fields. I just think about what I'm going to do. I don't just want to train all summer long, that's a giver. Maybe I could find out who my mother is, or who that one boy was. Percy told me that he went to the Oracle in the attic, so maybe I could go to her. I could sneak in while everyone else is training. Or I could just do it right now.

I sprint to the Big House and walk inside. I peek around and see that no one is here. I start to walk upstairs when I hear people talking, their voices behind me. I sprint up and pull the trap door. It creaks loudly as I pull it. I sprint inside, my heart pounding a million miles per hour. I quickly slam it shut and dive into some useless junk.

Light seeps in as the door opens. A guy I don't recognize looks in, but shrugs it off.

"Whoever it was, they're not there..." Their voices fade and I wait a minute until I come out. I walk over to the hippie-looking mummy and just stare at it in horror. It looks over a thousand years old to me. I don't even know how it could last so long without crumbling to dust. I then ask my question.

"Who is my mother?

At first, nothing happened. I was about to leave when her eyes turned green and her mouth opened, green mist coming out.

Seek out the goddess of great mirth,

One's lost to find the truth of birth,

The seeker driven into crazed,

Thy true powers only grazed,

Lost into the forbidden lands,

Returns to do his final stand.

What does that even mean? What does mirth mean? What true powers? A million other questions go on as I step out of the attic, and there wait Chiron, Percy, and Annabeth.

"What were you doing in there?" Annabeth asks. I jump, surprised at her tone. It sounded somewhat motherly.

"Asking her a question. I want to find out who my mother is," I say.

"What was the prophecy?" Chiron asks.

"It was really weird. It started with Seek out the goddess off great mirth, one's lost to find the truth of birth, which make no sense to me. What does mirth mean?"

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