Operation Stripe

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3rd POV:

Location: Clubhouse

Time: 5:08 PM

Moments Before Operation Stripe

Sitting towards the front of the Chinook are operators Ash, Lesion, Castle, and Doc. The 4 talk of the latest news in Rainbow just sitting some space down at the end of the helicopter along with the rest of the "Team".

Castle: Still trying to figure out why Harry thought it was a good idea to put him on a mission. I mean, doesnt he need some time to recover from those injuries?

Doc: It was only one bullet and it went straight through without hitting anything major. I do agree that he should have gotten some more rest but whatever Harry says goes.

Ash: Hes backup along with Lion, as long as nothing happens he'll be fine.

Castle: Not to mention he has the pooch with em.

Lesion: Are you all serouisly ignoring the matter at hand?

Castle smiled and pointed at Lesion.

Castle: Out of everybody I thought you would keep your mouth shut about that.

Lesion crossed his arms.

Lesion: Why?

Castle: Cause your fucking his-

Lesion: Alright! Enough!

Castle chuckled.

Castle: You should know better than to get into family matters.

Lesion: What about Vigil? He isn't family.

Ash: Vigil let his emotions get the better of him.

Lesion: Bullshit. If Hades told him then it could have all been avoided.

Doc sat up straight in his seat, putting his hands on his knees where his elbows were.

Doc: Not necessarily true.

Lesion: Please. Who are you to tell me how Chul would have reacted?

Castle smacked Lesion upside his head.

Castle: Hes our Doctor dumbass.

Doc: Vigil's childhood was very traumatic, therefore he developed severe depression. It was only when he met Lin that he started to break down his defenses that he had set up around us.

Lesion: Even more of a reason why he-

Castle: Let him finish.

Castle smacked Lesion once again upside the head.

Doc: Thank you. As I was saying, Lin was a new experience for him. Vigil seemed to be a lot more comfortable and felt loved for the first time in a while. I believe that if Mar-Hades would have told him about the situation, he wouldn't have believed him.

The 3 stayed quiet for a minute, processing the information that was just relayed to them by their trusted friend.

Castle: It does make sense if you think about it. The guy is 100% stubborn.

Lesion: No...I still believe he should have told him.

Castle: I get what your putting down but-

Lesion: He should have at least tried.

Castle: *Sighs* Yeah I guess your right. What do you think red?

The 3 operators turned their attention to Ash who has stayed quiet.

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