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"Mama" , you cried "Mama it hurts"

You yelped as you looked at what used to be your caring mother. She hysterically slashed your back as she watched them heal over and over again.

"This won't do" she muttered "This won't do This won't do This won't do This won't do"

In anger, she stabbed your thigh and twisted the knife. You choked out a frightening scream that could keep a normal human for nights on end. Your vocal cords wore themselves out. You tried struggling but your mother pulled you back to the same spot.





"OI, Y/N! WAKE UP" , Zach screamed

Fluttering your eyes open, you could barely see the things around you. Everything was blurry and your eyes hurt. Rising from the bed slowly, you felt a drop of water fall onto your hand.


I'm crying

"Good morning, Zach" you managed to choke out, despite your gravelly throat. Your eyes were puffy and your face was covered in tears.

"..Morning" Zach held held back his rude behavior. He's not very good with emotions, but he knows better than to shout at a crying woman "What're  you on about?"

You glanced at the blurry figure next to you. Testing the waters, you reached your hand to him slowly touching his face. Normally Zach would pull away a cuss you out, but he felt a sort of soft feeling when he saw you in this pitiful state.

"Tell me Zack" you looked him in the eyes "Are you scared of me?"

You knew he wasn't one to lie. Yet you studied his eyes anyways, though not very well because of your puffy eyes. He stayed silent for a moment before he chuckled, which turned into a giggle, which turned into a laugh.

"PFFFT- THATS NEW" he cackled "Me scared of you? "

Zach grabbed the arm that you had reached out to him and pulled you inches away from his face. From this distance, you could clearly see the amused expression on him. You turned your head away from him, slightly embarrassed of the sudden movement.

"Look me in the eye y/n" he ordered, in which you followed obediently, "Do I look scared to you?"

You studied his face. Your vision started to clear and you saw his eyes glow slightly from the small amount of sunlight leaking through the closed curtains. Compelled in some way, you took your other hand and reached for his face again. This time you were closer to him.

"...No" you said quietly "I guess not"

He looked you in the eyes and his eyes softened. You looked more comfortable and less tense. "Now tell me what you were crying about"

Your eyes widened at the question and smiled at the sudden affection shown by him. You looked at him tenderly as you felt a new adoration you hadn't felt for him before. This didn't go unnoticed by Zach as he flicked your forehead playfully.

"Don't look at me like that" he scowled "Just.. talk"

You could tell he wasn't used to feelings. The fact that he was even talking to you right now surprised you. You bowed your head and pulled away from him, thinking of what to say.

"Five" you muttered


"I was five when I 'died'" you started "But.. I'm still alive"

"I don't get it" Zach questioned "You died?"

"Yeah" you answered "When I was 5 I got into a car crash and my heart stopped in the hospital"

"But your alive now"

"Yeah.. I am. That's the problem" you furrowed your brows "After two minutes of being dead, my heart started beating again"

Zach didn't look scared of shocked. More than that, he looked more intrigued. He wasn't disgusted, or disappointed.

"I heal in seconds. I can't get colds or loose limbs" You choked back a sob "I'm a monster"

You where about to cry before you felt two arms wrap around your shoulders. Zach buried his head at the crook of your neck and patted your back softly, as if afraid to break you.

"I- I'm not good at this so don't expect me to wipe your tears with a hankerchets- chips-"

"Handkerchief?" You giggled quietly, as you were too tired to laugh properly

Zach gave a you a ghost of a smile before reluctantly speaking again.

"When- when I was a tiny little shit" he said quietly "My old man tried to kill me by setting me on fire."

"Zach- ?"

"Let me finish." He interrupted "But I'm still here aren't I? And I kill people for fun so.. Im more of a monster than you could ever be"

In the fairly small time you've known Zach, you've learned that he hates being called a monster. Or rather, he's tired of hearing it. Yet, just for you, he..

In that moment, you felt something in you snap. You pulled away from Zach before giving him a feverish kiss. His eyes widened for a minute before he grabbed the back of your neck and pushed you towards him, forcing you to straddle him.

You wrapped your legs around his waist as he stood up and threw you on the bed. Both of you felt utterly desperate as he quickly connected your lips again, only pulling away for air. He put one hand on your waist and the other held him up on the bed. You gasped as he tightened his grip on your hips. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and in doing so, drove you crazy.

He pulled away and moved to your neck, kissing and sucking the skin, leaving purple marks down your neck. He made his way down to your nape before biting it—hard.

"Ah-!" you moaned involuntarily. Zach stopped his movement.

"..Zack?" you said, catching your breath

You couldn't see his expression properly in the dark. He pulled away, taking away the warmth you had felt  with him. He walked towards the door. You were confused. Did you disgust him? Did you do something wrong.

Leaving the bed you called for him again "Zack?"

"...Let's stop here" he said, still turning his back towards me

"But.." you whispered "I don't want to.."

You walked towards him and tugged his sleeve. But before you got to pull him back, he turned you around and lowered his head next to your ear. You could feel his heartbeat on your back.

"Don't provoke me y/n" he whispered in your ear "If we continue I won't stop until you can't walk anymore"

Your cheeks flushed a light shade of red as you realized just why he stepped away from you. You could feel it, and Zach knew it. He chuckled before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Wondering if I should write a smut or not

Monster (Issac "Zack" Foster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now