Kill Me, Kiss Me

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You stared yourself in the mirror, tracing the marks Zack left down your neck. Your body was incapable of maintaining scars, so it surprised you when you woke up the next morning to purple bruises.

'He can hurt me?'

You got shivers from the thought that you were finally going to die. You couldn't help but form a smile on your face, one of true happiness.

"Hey!" Zack slammed his fist against the door "Stop hogging the bathroom"

You couldn't fathom how Zack could act so normal after yesterday. With slight blush on your face, you opened the door behind you.

"FINALLY!" Zack complained "Now mov-"

Zack stopped midway of his sentence. You noticed his cheeks go slightly pink. You followed his gaze before noticing that you forgot to move your hair back to cover the marks.

"Ah" you said, slightly embarrassed"Sorry"

You moved your hair back to covering the marks and walked past Zack. You were prepared to go to "work" but then you remembered Zack's words.

"Don't do this shit anymore"

You smiled softly at the thought. Now that you think about it, you've been smiling a lot recently. Living with a serial killer, you'd expect to be living in fear. But, you found yourself grinning at every stupid joke he made or how he didn't know most words and butchered them.

He felt warm

Laughing to yourself, you thought how twisted you were to find comfort in a serial killer. He was a bad guy, a killer, and yet.. he understood you the most.

At first, you took him in to pass time. To be honest, you doubted he could kill you. You thought that, if you die you die and if you don't, you can always find someone else to murder you.

You never minded how you would die
But, if you weren't so desperate, you'd like to die by his hand.




Zack stopped going out at night recently. You'd spend the day with him since you didn't have a job. You'd watch movies, teach him a few words and how to play a few games.

"Chess or sudoku" you asked Zack

"The fuck are those? Let's play snakes and ladders" he complained

You giggled at how childish he was, picking a kids game. You were about to take snakes and ladders when you heard a notification on your phone.

You always had your phone on silent. The fact that you could hear a notification meant only one thing.

It was them

"Hey y/nnn hurry up" Zack groaned

You grabbed your phone and turned your attention towards every word. He was about to approach you but his instincts told him not to. He felt something was up. You were silent for a bit before quickly grabbing your coat and purse.

"Oi!" Zack complained "where are you going?"

You didn't answer. At that time you couldn't focus on anything. He watched as you took a kitchen knife out of the holder.

"Hey" he said, grabbing your arm "Don't ignore me"

You looked down for a bit before looking up at him and muttering two simple words.

"𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙂𝙤 "

He pulled his hand away from you, his instincts kicking in. You looked at him in a way he's never seen before. It was as if you were.. angry

(Not at him ofc)

You walked towards the door and lifted your purse, stuffing the kitchen knife in there. You were about to go when you felt a hand touch yours.

"If your not gonna tell me shit" Zack said "Then I guess I'll just have to follow you "

You nodded briefly before walking away. After a while of walking, both of you made your way to a tall building. A child walked towards both of you, and attempted to take your hand.

"Don't touch me." You said firmly, slapping her hand away

Zack was unusually silent, making you think he was up to something. The girl just smiled at you and walked away, gesturing you to follow her. The 3 of you walked into the mansion where you saw even more children.

"Welcome Ms Y/N" they greeted

You felt disgusted. He hasn't changed

"Im sorry, visitors other than Ms. Y/N are not permitted to enter any further" the child smiled

You could tell Zack was about to say something but knowing him, he'd only get kicked out. You covered his mouth and glared at the child, silently telling her to back off. She got the picture and silently let him in.

"Hey, y/n" Zack finally spoke "Where the fuck are we?"

"The pharmacy"

"The fuck is that?"

You turned around to face Zack momentarily before grabbing his hand and dragging him with you. He was about to complain but every time he speak you'd squeeze his hand tightly.

"The pharmacy is a weird place" you explained "On the outside, it's just a normal pharmacy. But on the inside.."

"Ah, y/n" a voice interrupted "so good to see you again"

You turned your attention to the shadow in front of you to see a man dressed in a white suit. He had a smug grin on his face and a bad attitude.

"I see you've befriended one of the angels" he laughed "How typical of you"

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KN-" Zack attempted to scream. You only pulled on his hoodie and whispered in his ear, 'behave'
He blushed a bit before obediently following your order

"Ahhh I see" the man smirked "More than friends then?"

"Shut your fucking mouth"

"Tsk tsk, what a potty mouth" the man pouted "What happened to the obedient y/n I used to know. You know, it's not too late to change your mind"

"No chance" you laughed bitterly "I see you haven't changed. Using kids for your experiments nowadays?"

Zack watched silently as the two of you bickered. It was clear that you two had a history. Not to mention, he knew that Zack was an "Angel" meaning he must have had a hand in the Angels of Death project.

If Zack was being honest, he liked this side of you. He found it beautiful in a way, as if it's something new he wanted to cherish. A new side of y/n he had never seen before. Now she was giving him orders.

"Honestly" the man laughed "And you wonder why your mother abandoned you so many years ago"




You laughed hysterically. You couldn't tell if you were humored or insulted. But it made you laugh

"Goodbye Andrew"


Monster (Issac "Zack" Foster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now