Today is going to suck.

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Nikita listened to the bustling of servants. She didn't have to be up for another 10 minutes, but it's not like she could sleep anyway. Nikita went over the long list of tasks she had today. Gather the laundry from the towers, bring them down to the cellar and wash them, hang them up to
dry, clean the items used to wash the clothes, fold the clothes, deliver them to the rooms. All before noon. Then she would "volunteer" for any other odd jobs around the castle. Nikita began to get dressed, donning the standard maid's outfit, complete with a white bow and frilly collar. Her ebony wings were still the hardest to get through. At precisely 5:00am, Nikita left her room, beginning the long trek to the four towers. She loved her life.

Fir did not want to get dressed. Her clothes were itchy and uncomfortable, and too bright for her taste. Deanna, the nursemaid, was not having it however. "The royal family must always look presentable! There is no reason to look like common folk if that is not what you are." Fir's gut twisted at how she referred to the kingdom's inhabitants. Why must they be divided into classes? They were all dragons, no matter what form they took. Speaking of which, she was in her semi-human form this morning, having a meeting with ambassadors from other kingdoms. She felt restricted in this form. She still had her wings, but everything else was gone or just not the same. Begrudgingly she allowed Deanna to pick out her clothes (she was horrible at fashion) and got dressed. She did the usual morning routine before heading out with Deanna to the royal dining chamber. Today would suck.

{Bro I had such bad writer's block, that's why it's short. Can anyone guess what's going to happen with their day?}

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