Nikita's Story

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"Long ago, I lived in a village quite a few miles from here, I believe it was called Kreman. My mothers birthed and raised me there. Their names were Yelena and Nehemia. Yelena was strong and sturdy, battle worn yet kind and nurturing. Nehemia was swift and agile, good-natured with a sense of humor. I remember both loved me fiercely, that was never in question. They were part of a group of peaceful ambassadors trying to prevent war between kingdoms. They were often busy, however they always had time for me. I was just starting school when they died. It was a weekend, and they had a meeting with a sea creature named Zar. No one was available to take care of me, so I went with them. We traveled far out to shore for the meeting, ending up in a cramped hut. Zar was waiting with a bottle of wine and two glasses. My mother's hid me under them and the table. They talked for a while, and even though I was young I found what Zar said odd, manipulating. My parents did as well. I felt it. They played it safe though for the sake of peace. At the end of the meeting, they drank in hopes of a prosperous future. As we left, I looked back at Zar and saw him cleaning up wine. The wine in his cup. He hadn't drank it. I found that curious and told my mothers. They exchanged a glance and Nehemia told me that it was probably picked for them and not to his liking. I saw the gears turning in their heads though. As we flew home, I noticed an irregularity in wingbeats. Yelena was flapping harder, and Nehemia was more gliding than soaring. Soon enough, there was no rhythm at all. I saw their bodies convulse. It was horrifying. Their eyes were wide and froth escaped their throats. Their limbs twitched inward as if trying to tear something out. They made strangled noises, and finally dropped. I was confused and scared, so I followed them. They had dropped below the clouds and I heard a sharp splintering, like wood being broken. I tried to check on them, but my survival instincts pulled me away from the craggy cliff. I went home and sobbed, hiding under their bed. I didn't sleep. In the morning, I heard many thumps of talons as dragons came out of their homes. I looked out of the window. 4 fighters in the village were carrying the mangled corpses of the dearest people in my world. I burst through the door and tried to get to them, but I was shoved away. I brushed my mother's tails once, just before they were thrown in the pit of the dead and lit up. My spirit shattered, and only one tear fell before I was numb. Before the world meant nothing. I didn't go home that morning. I wove through the crowd of dragons and left, searching for something to end it. A river, a sharp rock, a tall cliff, anything would do. I came to a forest, most likely the Fae's and stopped. I heard a creaking sound as the tree above me swayed in the breeze. I looked at its trunk. A beaver must have cut through most of it, and I got an idea. I got on my hind legs and pushed as hard as I could, and when it came down I ran under it. I didn't realize that it would hurt so much. A sharp point from a broken branch cut me across the face, deep enough in two spots to scar. I was awake only for a minute or so more. When I woke up, it was dark. I was pinned under the trunk, and I yelled in frustration. Why didn't I die? I wriggled out from under it, and came to the assumption that I was meant to live with the pain. I left the wounds to bleed and limped around, fighting to survive for 7 years. I wandered into a town one day at the age of 12, all hardened and emotionless. In the center of this town was a towering castle. Palace guards were quick to find me, seeing me as an intruder. I was brought before the king, your father, and he found me intriguing. So, I was hired on staff, and I've been working for the royal family for 3 years now." Nikita cleared her throat when she finished and turned to Fir. Tears were streaming down the beautiful dragon's face. She hadn't meant to do that! Nikita hugged her and apologized. "Don't apologize for anything, ever," Fir said fiercely. Nikita nodded and was silent. Perhaps she shouldn't have told this story, but it felt good to be out. "Thank you for listening."

Fir pulled away slightly to look at Nikita. She traced the scars on her cheek, and Nikita leaned into her hand. Fir wiped her tears and sniffed. "I want you to know that I am overjoyed that you are still alive. In a short time you've supported and changed me so much, and I can't imagine you not being here, existing, even if not with me. I hate that you went through that, but it explains a lot." Fir gripped Nikita's hands in her own. "You always have me to talk to, and I will never ignore you or mark it as unimportant. I will never leave you, even if you leave me. You are so precious and worthy of love. Please do remember that." Fir pulled her back in to a full hug and stroked Nikita's hair, undoing the buns so the full length tumbled down. Nikita held on to her as if she would lose her, but eventually relaxed as the full weight of the words sunk in. Fir felt her exhaustion and told her to rest. Nikita protested for a moment, thinking of Deanna, but caved in.
Soon there were soft snores, and Fir just kept caring for her. This was her dragon, possibly even her mate, and she would not let her go.

{Is anyone crying or at least sad? Lemme know, and yay it's hump day! Until Friday~}

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